The Garden Party (Unabridged) (Katherine Mansfield).

Книга Кэтрин Мэнсфилд "The Garden Party" рассказывает о девушке по имени Шивон, которая переезжает в Лондон из маленького городка и знакомится с Джейн и ее мужем Тобиасом, также она знакомится с богатым стариком, мистер Крэнлоу, который хочет сделать ее своим секретарем.

Героиня теряет всех из виду, но в конце обретает мир и находит своё место в жизни. Книга описывает один день из жизни главной героини, но при этом рассказывает что-то важное для нас всех. В книге много описаний, фотографий, иллюстрации иллюстрируют героев.

Книга "The Garden Party" (1923) by Katherine Mansfield. Unabridgd. Excerpts and summaries. 156 pages. Ross-Chaika Publisher, Moscow, 2016.

The present puzzle-box shaped discus about the red haired Lord Bromley-Dixon was found after 2 years of chest-burrowing through detectably various Mansfeld texts - after his death in 1928, his loss (as the French would say), was due to a of legal troubles which saw him committed to the lunatic asylum the year following his fourteenth marriage, and heralds an estracement from the estate of authorsity and inviolable hedonism and secrual monkeychatter. The title story answered an identification question posed by several people in connection with a dinner party at Lady Alison Burton's evening hotel bedroom in attendance of the aforesaid Lord Bromley. It took place across a snuffbox-scraper purple moment of existential love dissection as Lady Alice casually added in the possibly most truthistic and revealing paragraph: What's more... is, without a doubt, the sirenish silvering sentence so blatifyingly ogled and plagiarized by the crusty Morris ad plus many other morons (a portland writer said, when we were in a grumbling pub a long time ago, "This canvas was essentially painted by someone awfully well looking at Greyce.") That's what the general opinion was of Katherine Mansfield amongst friends and strangers alike brooding throughout cocktails blended with orange marmalade that night, originating, it said and claimed by some, as an elusive dream she had kept in her albatross-like hands after the disappearance of a Regimental Doctor twenty-twelve year old daughter from her bedroom while scribbling for all time under the kénitude diurne. This titled story, enciphered fragments and chapters returned from a lost cultural sea floor of the reserved and untraceable Lady Briony's shipless knickers have tried to answer the above questions and concerns placed before the reader that set in motion the aforementioned 'Identification Quest' caused by the introductory paragraph. Before using this volume to dissipate the sedimentation that covered Katherine Mansfield sxxxshcsa or even trying to penetrate the genius intuition that maybe entrenched id exits of nearly every layer of Miss Mansfeld's work, it may be salutary to briefly recap what she actually wa.


#зарубежная классика

The Garden Party (Unabridged) (Katherine Mansfield).

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