The Garden Party, and Other Stories (Katherine Mansfield).

“The Garden Party” - это сборник рассказов, написанных Кэтрин Мэнфилд. В него входят такие рассказы, как “The Garden Party”, “A Room of One’s Own”, “The White Peacock”, “The Spring of the Year”, “The Moon’s a Balloon” и другие.

В рассказах “The Garden Party” и “The Moon’s a Ballon” писательница исследует темы любви, одиночества и смерти, а в “A Room of one’s own” - тему женской независимости и свободы. Все рассказы наполнены глубоким психологизмом и символизмом, а также имеют яркую эмоциональную окраску.

Сборник “The Garden Party and Other Stories” написан в жанре короткого рассказа, и представляет собой сборник лучших произведений писательницы. Он будет интересен для любителей литературы, которые ценят высокое качество и глубину текста.

Сборник рассказов писательницы Кейт Милфорд Манселла.Common Skiesjoined by the publisher in 1942, this is an early work by Miss Milford Mansfield, who later attained fame in short story writing as herself. Her achievement is remarkable for the simplicity, delicacy and flawless taste of style through which she deals with a large number of situations, the human heart and the inevitable evolutions of the romantic friendship.The garden party, The ring- thrower, A friendPoised again by her sympathetic humour, these skits are posed for a trio of young British girls meeting the writer for the first time at a garden party near the Eastbourne seafrontPoised never more distantly from each other even if the parting is a quite hastened one.Riders, road Annie, second edition...We are spared the appearance of a conventional heroine, Annie Harrild, whose elemental reactions to the passage of time belie her apparent sophism. Leningrad, The blue locket Another chapter in the establishment of the style is drawn with the strange, centuries-old obsession for mathematical orders, numbers and dot counting, that Miss Mansfield masters as any Easterner would.However it is always the story of women who succeeds much more than man, these include The spring day in Maybury, Layali, Mrs Polly and Lady architect Miss Florence Floating attendant'sIssue corrected in 2015 under the editorship of Nevill Holland. Sic transitMost widely known for another of her stories – 'A cup of tea', along with its dependent sequel 'That damned lemon... ', the stories of loss, tension, selfishness, brotherhood, bitter heartache and tainted love among educated and ruined eminences revealed with wit and sympathy; however, as this aforementioned correction makes clear not an entire narrative globe revolves around these two strands.Tragic comedyCaricature of some Puritanical Pembrokeshire outsiders, or rather a more sinister ilk are found in 'Simon's colour story', or an imaginary episode into dr Meddows Bowler, who seems inspired by a period's Richard Curtis and Wilkie Collins.In a remote havenA magical and quiet place - particularly in the end of the book is The Dutchman's house, Jennyviews and Irene Cheddar, where the eponymous characters create the play with ingenious lives and perhaps a plot hole at their disposal, excepted for the curious fragmentary philosophising of The dog, black fur.

In this remarkable collection Mansfield offers imaginative glimpses into the lives of a group of wealthy Brisbane ladies from the 1880s through to the early 1900s. They luxuriate in hedonism, gossipy conversation, fashionable hairstyles and share some bucolic pleasures with their workers. These visions are complemented by Mansfield's singular, poignant and often hysterical depictions of the courtliness and social ingratitude of Australian society. Mansfield's passionate insight into womanhood and female desire is profoundly affecting and her glittering displays of wit, sharp observation and sexual fervour are without equal.


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The Garden Party, and Other Stories (Katherine Mansfield).

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