All Has an End... Everything has an end. Mel promised herself that she will take revenge on the witch that killed her family or die trying. Now, as a world-renowned dragon, she is ready to do good. But things are complicated. That witch, Ava, did not only target Mel. She is coming after the only people on the planet with whom the dragon cares. Revenge tastes better hot… Luke could never have expected the way Mel will knock him down. But now he's doing everything to save his sister's life and capture the heart of his crush. Ava threatens Luke and intends to steal a magical artifact with immense power that he never knew he possessed. Falling in love is never more deadly... In the midst of all this, Luke and Mel meet. But she doesn't know how to have a relationship, and Luke's pack isn't interested in having a dragon as their alpha. When the two are together, the relationship is explosive. But this fire will be extinguished... or destroy.

On the Alpha's Bed, by Kate Rudolph

If the novel was unfamiliar to you, here's a rehash.:

Everything has an end... Everything has a end.. Mel promised herself that she would take revenge on the witch who had killed her family or she would try and die trying. Now, as world famous Ladra, she was ready to do good. But things were complicated. That witch, Ava, had not limited herself to targeting Mel. She was after the only people on the planet with whom the Ladra really cared about. Evil's best enjoyed piping hot… Luke could never have predicted the way Mel would overthrow him. But now he would do anything to save his sister's life and capture the heart of the Ladra. Ava threatened his pack, determined to steal a magic artifact of immense power that he had never know he possessed. Falling in love was never so deadly… At the center of it all, Luke and Mel find themselves. But she does not know how to have relationships, and his pack are not interested in having a Ladra for their alpha. When the two are together, the relationship is explosive. But this fire will either go out…or destroy them.

Everything has an end ... Everything has an end... Mela promised herself that she would get revenge against the witch who killed her family or would die trying. Now, as a world famous anti-vampire, she's ready to do good. But things are complicated. That witch, Ava, isn't content with aiming only at Mela. She's out for the only people on earth who Mela cares about. Revenge should be served hot... Luke never could have imagined how Mela would knock him over. But now, he would do anything to save his sister's life and capture the heart of his omega. Ava threatens his pack, determined to steal a magical artifact of immense power that he never knew he had. Unless falling in love is so deadly... In the midst of all this, Luke and Mela meet. But she doesn't know how to make a relationship, and his pack isn't interested in having a beta as their alpha. When they are together, the relationship is explosive. But that fire will either go out ... or it will destroy them.


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#любовное фэнтези

Na Cama Do Alfa (Kate Rudolph).

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