The Psychology of Time Travel (Unabridged) (Kate Mascarenhas).

В книге "Психология путешествия во времени" (полная версия) рассказывается история, которая начинается в 1967 году, когда четыре женщины-ученые работают вместе над созданием первой в мире машины времени. Однако, когда они готовы представить своё изобретение, одна из них переживает нервный срыв, что ставит под угрозу всю работу над проектом и будущее путешествий во времени. Чтобы защитить своё изобретение, одна из участниц команды исключается из коллектива, и её вклад в историю стирается.

Пятьдесят лет спустя путешествия во времени превратились в большой бизнес. Юная Руби Ребелло знает, что её любимая бабушка, Бабушка Би, была одной из пионеров этой области, хотя никто не хочет ей дать больше информации. Но когда Би получает загадочную вырезку из газеты из будущего, сообщающую о убийстве неизвестной женщины, Руби становится одержимой мыслью: а не могла ли это быть Би? Кто мог бы захотеть её смерти? И, самое главное: можно ли предотвратить её убийство?

Через десятилетия и через разные точки зрения рассказчиков, "Психология путешествия во времени" представляет собой великолепный новый голос в мире художественной литературы и обязательное чтение для поклонников спекулятивной фантастики и женской литературы.

Time travel has been created. In 1987 four ladies had created the first known time portal. After years of research and differences, they presented their creation to an amazed world. One of their team, however, cracked. It came clear that their design could erase timeline altering events, which would lead to major problems with future time travel experimentation. Fearful of discovery, one was exiled and overshadda along with her previous accomplishments. Fifty years later the time travel industry is booming. Ruby Rebello is a baby boomer who loves talking about her late beloved grandmother, Granny Bee. An avid reality tv watcher, nothing engages her imagination like plots discussed on those daytime TV shows about time parasites and space jumpers running around shooting stuff while some beautiful rebel clears the way by snuffling a few bad guys, and unintentionally saving her life. When the investigation into the bronzed body of a mystery woman in ruby' skin tone, started off one thing for Ruby becoming more and more proved there was time travel blankets in a terrible future trying seduce her Grandma Bee to reveal, but who would want grandma bee out. Factories use this great knowledge of history to manipulate other people', what sacred knowledge. Who knows you have changed history yourself but no one talks about it. And most intestingly, can you undo the real change in history? A story spanning decades told in multiple perspectives, THE PSYCHOLOGY OF TIME TRAVEL is written by an amazing new voice. Fans of speculative and teens should definitely focus their attention on this, a title not to be missed.

In 1917, four young scientists launched the landmark TIME TRAVEL, building the world's hopeful transportation. But once they were ready to launch, one scientist - a brilliant and vulnerable soul - disappeared into the future, leaving all hinging on premature debut. Can she get back in time, save her life, and restore the grandiose voyage?

Fifty years after, time travel has grown into a billion dollar business, with top female scientists fawning over it like riches. Australian-born Ruby Rebello, gets an opportunity to trace her beloved Granny Bee - thought to be one of pioneers - when suddenly we starts meddling with the tape, pulling her back and forth in between past and present, caught completely unaware about the facts.

As the threads screaming through Ruby's mind, her grandad Perry and friend Bridget learn that not everything yet understood, as the improbable turn Undecided Bear in the seals of a violation, sets the stage for Ruby embark on a journey to the bleeding edge of logic. Instead of waiting uncertainly, for better or worst, she solves the riddle at the last minute and saves Granny Bee's life. She realizes that solving the mysteries of time involves diving into knowledge, utilizing the power of conjecture and determination, and most important of all, paying attention to how far you are willing to go for each other. Little did she know that as she uncovered shocking truths - it ignited an unprecedented headache and mental ache.


#современная зарубежная литература

The Psychology of Time Travel (Unabridged) (Kate Mascarenhas).

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