"Keeping Mum" by Kate Lawson delves into the frustrating realities of families in this hilarious, secretly romantic comedy. As a twenty-five-year-old single mother, Cass Palmer finds out that her loving yet flaky mother is moving in with them – and, as if that wasn't hard enough, she has a handsome boyfriend, sex toyboy, and a natural-born drama kid in her new living companion, mother.

Cass isn't looking forward to the uncomfortable situation – and not to mention disorganized and largely maddening mother – but there is a hidden spark in the characters and situations that makes it well worth the read. The plot involves casses' best friend Fiona's attempts to uncover a sexual affair with Andy among other struggles.

"Keeping Mum" is at once a sweet and witty tale with a winking take on gender norms and generations. It reminds us that no matter how much we think we know our parents, they have something to teach us after all. Fans of The Help, Modern Family, and the Tom Hiddleston flick about the Kardashian sister Kourtney Kardashian (201


#современная зарубежная литература

Keeping Mum (Kate Lawson).

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