Calcium Waves, Gradients and Oscillations (Kate Ackrill).

Название книги: Калий Акрилл "Волны кальция, градиенты и колебания"

В книге содержатся подробные сведения о процессах образования, продвижения, и распространения градиентов кальция в разных системах растений и животных. Выявляются механизмы, обеспечивающие протекание волн кальция и их роль в функциональности клеток. Описываются эксперименты с использованием новейших методов измерения градиентов ионов кальция, таких как люминофорные индикаторы химического свечения. Книга предназначена для специалистов в области биофизики, биохимии, нейробиологии и других наук, занимающихся исследованиями во взаимодействии и функциональности градиентов, волн и колебаний цитрата кальция.

This volume provides an overview of research in which calcium is shown to play distinct dynamical roles in a diverse array of systems. These themes are addressed within several chapters, which are contributed by distinguished scientists. Early chapters consider how variations in intrinsic spatial and temporal calcium signalling profiles lead to the generation of calcium oscillations and propagation of calcium waves, and how these may impact upon the spatial parts of cells and organism. Subsequent chapters review how calcium oxide or other ions present can alter the properties of different calcium gradients that regulate cell signalling and even serve as bioactive stimuli that triggers plant and animal cell responses, including distinct examples that consider cell and organismic calcium impacts in the contexts of axon growth and pulse shape determination. This work then uses chemoluminescence indicators to explore the interesting interplay between mechanical forces, calcium gradients and the abilities of cells to communicate with their environment, particularly considering physiological processes such as dilation of blood vessels and secretory activities. Finally, discussions consider potential future directions in calcium gradient, wave and oscillation-based biophysics by exploring moderating factors, their manipulation to treat disease, and emerging nanoscale and optogenetic technologies that may redefine our understanding of calcium-dependent cell function and behaviour.


#научно-популярная литература

Calcium Waves, Gradients and Oscillations (Kate  Ackrill).

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