Die Liga der Paladine (K.B. Stock).

"The League of the Paladins" by K. B. Stock is a continuation of "The Firm of the Pilot" that explores the ties between Michael and Anna Wagner as well as Waltertraud and Matthias. The novel begins in 2003 when the previously missing Falcon brothers reappear and the Wagner Air Charter begins to take off. However, despite the business struggles the couple face, Michael and Anna marry in 2023. The book then shifts to 2033 where a strange series of events unfold. There is the disappearance of a helicopter and the death of a businessman, which leads to a deep investigation. It is revealed that this business man was hunting for a treasure during World War II and sought the assistance of SS men. Soon afterwards, we see the return of the Falcon siblings, but they are now involved in yet another scheme known as The League of The Paladines. This time around, they target an airline VIP passing through the region, which puts Michael back in the line of fire with himself as the target and his partner, Matthis Debuss as the assumed kidnapper. As these events unfold, the reader is left to question what can be hidden beneath the surface.



Die Liga der Paladine (K.B. Stock).

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