Dishonour and Desire (Juliet Landon).

Джульет Лэндон "Бесчестье и страсть"

Героиня романа Катерины Честер вынуждена согласиться на брак, так как это единственный способ спасения ее семьи от долгов. Однако отец заставляет ее выйти замуж за благородного, но беспутного Чейза Бостона, который предлагает заплатить все долги ее отца в обмен на приданое. Катерина протестует и намерена сражаться изо всех сил, чтобы сохранить свою свободу. Но Чейз обладает впечатляющей харизмой, которая приводит ее в замешательство, а их страстный бурный роман становится для обоих первым опытом истинной любви.

Caterina cannot understand why her grandfather committed suicide: he left her and her sister penniless, neglected, and with few prospects. Then she catches word that it was debt—not neglect—that drove him to the gallows, and only then does her resentment begin to turn to shame. Still, though, debt has made her a public a laughing stock... unless she finds a suitable match quickly.

Then her dearest friend, Georgiana, returns home after years of absence, overwhelmed by the debt upon another family. Georgie trusts there might be a solution—Caterina just needs a wealthy suitor. Her best friend believes that wealth and social status are paramount.

Caterina has stolen away during her own courtship to escape one wrung-out betrothal, but now she is presented with offering herself for one last time. Before, she could not have endured such a barter—but then, neither could her suitors. Sir Charles Chase—the newest addition to their little local circle—was appalled at the idea, driven by a strikingly hurt pride. Caterina had been hurt too, diminished; she vowed to shy away from him, preferring honesty to such cheap schemes.

This time, however, Chase's interest charms even her as nothing else has, dizzying her senses with his savage wit and unflinching good breeding. He is both generous and cunning, charming and provocative, impossible and endlessly plausible all at once. And she cannot deny her desires as they burn between them, pulsating through her veins and heating her blood. At last she will give her love freely, without the contempt and scorn...and suddenly marriage becomes more than a necessary evil. Perhaps, after all, she can still be free.


#исторические любовные романы

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Dishonour and Desire (Juliet Landon).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Dishonour and Desire
  • Автор: Juliet Landon
  • Категория: Исторические любовные романы
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Из Серий: Mills & Boon Historical
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781408915097