Книга "Glosa" - это сборник стихотворений, написанных известным испанским поэтом Федерико Гарсиа Лоркой. В этой книге собраны произведения, написанные в различные периоды творчества поэта, начиная с его ранних работ и заканчивая последними стихами, написанными перед его трагической смертью во время испанской гражданской войны. В стихотворениях Лорки выражены его глубокие чувства и эмоции, а также описаны жизненные темы, такие как любовь, смерть, природа и искусство. "Glosa" - это

Juan José Saere's e-book makes up the first part of his ecological trilogy so far. Glosa is the book in which Saere takes us around the most remote valleys, rivers and mountains in Latin America: from the Halikil limestone in Peru to Cuba's Chaonaicoú, from Mexico's cool shores of mangroves to the volcanic blasts of the Andes.In return for the increased suffering of man, Glosa asks you to reflect on each path, which we have made ourselves, and consider whether there are alternatives and what they could look like. Here, man ventures into several diverse territories, but we need to recognize in mentality whose are going to suffocate and whose are healthy.For various parts of Chile we discover long-forgotten pathways through nature that an industrial development proceeded to ignore. Still, anything left behind offers opportunities. In spite of the persistent patrols that law and regulation force us to obey, there are many places where, if only for a few minutes at a time, we could disconnect from the false security wrapped in money.We'd barely frequent backroads without asphalt; we'd endure the effects of pollution, hunger and noise thanks to our negligence, but absorption in the true perspective of humanity might prove to be real.The few Canadian locals or travelers that think they comprehend the situation in their country flow confidently in completely artificial surroundings, far from the edge of nature and exposed to its destructive capacity. A victims exist even here, moved away cluelessly by prosperous factors into suspicious impersonations of life, sporting mannerisms celebrated both culturally and numeratorally, framing it with brief outsiders but never really learning what it means to control the process in each moment.To these individuals, management of Je, after warmly wishing conserving nature is nothing more than a vague social doxa, a static toy that could be programmed in different colors. Lu - the Real World they live in is a safe, alienated illusion.



Glosa (Juan José Saer).

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