Operación Códice Áureo (José Luis Borrero González).

"Operation Codex Aurel" by José Luis Borrerogonzálezis an historical novel that tells the story of Felipe ll, the King of Spain, and his gift of the Medieval manuscript from his aunt Maria de Hungary. The story follows Aloysios Osorio and Fermin GonzalezEscudero on their adventures in the seaside towns of Mijas and Baza during the 16th Century where they find themselves clashing with the famous Miguel deCervantessaavedra during their quest to travel through Flanders with the Spanish Tercio. Through this historical narrative we witness the many challenges that the characters faced, their romance, betrayals, victories, and tragedies, as they follow their hearts along the Camino Spanish. Operation Codex is packed with intrigues, action, and heartwarming moments as the heroes struggle to uncover the true meaning of the manuscript and deal with the responsibilities it imposes upon them. A leisurely journey through history that will keep you hooked from beginning to end.



Operación Códice Áureo (José Luis Borrero González).

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