Circuit Analysis For Dummies (John Santiago).

Книга "Circuit Analysis For Dummies" предназначена для студентов, изучающих электрические цепи и проходящих курс анализа электрических цепей в рамках обучения по направлению электротехники или компьютерной инженерии. Книга поможет студентам лучше понять анализ электрических цепей, представляя информацию в доступной и простой форме. Она содержит информацию о таких темах, как сопротивляющие цепи, законы Кирхгофа, эквивалентные подцепи и накопление энергии. Книга является отличным дополнением к учебнику по анализу электрических цепей и поможет улучшить понимание предмета. Книга также может быть полезна для тех, кто интересуется анализом цепей, независимо от того, изучает ли он электротехнику или компьютерную инженерию.

Are you overwhelmed by electric circuits? Many colleges require students majoring in engineering, especially electrical and computer engineering, to take Electric Circuit Analysis courses. John Santiago's Circuit Analysis For Dummies clears the confusion of electric circuit analysis so the student can proceed to the degree-program. This book provides comprehensive information presented in an approachable manner. Readers will identify with topics such as resistance, Kirchoff's Laws, and even the mystery of energy storage.

Overwhelmed by electrical equipment? Many colleges require students in computer science or electrical engineering to take a course in Electrical Circuitry to determine which students will advance in their college program. But whether you're currently enrolled in electrical engineering or simply need a clinching refresher, Circuit Analysis For Dummies can help provide you with clearer knowledge of electrical quantities. Then use those definitions to solve puzzles and find your way around new math. Start by reviewing concepts such as resistor networks, Kirchoff's rules, effective blocks, and power systems, and then apply what you learn against real-world scenarios. The in-depth subject matter fits with an assessment exam, and the basics make it easy for students of any age or technical training background to grasp the underlying concepts. This is a great guidebook to follow along with your textbook on circuits - and it wouldn't be out of place as a textbook right next to your textbook so you can learn and reference topics at all times, whether you've got an exam coming up or just need the former before you dive in to the more challenging tasks assigned during a design course. Follow the chapter track from a standard Electrical Circuit course, fill in as an additional study aid to your book on Electrical Circuits, or brush up your knowledge by using the text in conjunction with upcoming assessments. Achieve high scores on exams either through schoolwork or self-directed learning - Circuits For Dummies covers both approaches. Whether you primarily attend for Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or simply want a better understanding of circuits, here's your handy, printable guide to boosting your knowledge base in one easy-to-reference book.


#научно-популярная литература

Circuit Analysis For Dummies (John  Santiago).

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