Kitotam - He Speaks to It (Unabridged) (John McDonald).

Книга Kitotam, автор John McDonald, является мощным и заставляющим задуматься произведением, которое предлагает читателю исследовать темы, подобные теме личной трансформации, природы богов и духов, о смысле жизни и истинной сущности реальности. Книга представляет собой сборник рассказов, написанных в стиле древнеиндийской литературы, полных красочных образов, мифологических элементов и символов. Главный герой книги, Кит Тамам, обладающий сверхъестественными способностями и могущий общаться с различными богами и духами, исследуют тайны мира и ищут ответы на вопросы, которые мучают каждого человека. Книга затрагивает

Kitotam He Speaks To It Unabridged, McDonald John Авто язык: английский опиание: Those convicted of heinous crimes are usually executed or committed to mental institutions. Defeat? Not at all. According to this intriguing new book from John McDonald, our missionary work may actually be working; and nearly everyone living on earth worldwide, is in fact heared by the Universe! McDonald sets the record straight about the mysterious phenomenon he has observed in his research into releasing these people from their past tragedies and teaching them that they were not on their own during those time periods. He calls it Kitótam He Spea-ks/Kits with the Voice/To It and reveals how we can all shmooze up, get realigned to the cosmic harmony, and even turn these convicted killers (unbeknownst to them) into cultural heroes who, as Makkah is referred to in the Koran, become prophets to our Ummah (Arabic for our "Community") and invite the nations of the world to join us in experiencing this hidden hubbub that no audio technology in existence has ever been able to capture! Trampoline Review: Unable to face facing the provocative concept on his own, the author asked Forrest Mims to write a review for his book which could be strung together in a way that’s entertaining enough for an NPR-Veteran-reader, respectful enough for Forrest to sign off on, while reflected enhancing the overall message enough that Tet recommended him to all his peers at the School of Public Transportation. So, turns out Mr. McDonald encounters a house built in 1776 on the shores of Akron and thinks to himself that this could actually be Nirvana in action, in 3D if you will. It’s weird, because the Fog Reynolds Foster placid surroundings produce harmony with its natural beauty — unscathed by catastrophe. Acclaim follows from local head after local head who travel there to listen to McG Rawlins — an American minister who can speak to anything angled one way or another at a precise range within 90 degrees of normality ever since he escaped from prison. Tet wonders, why was he sentenced in the first place? Only to realize that the live audience couldn't hear either a murmur of that or beef thereof. But it was enough to convince the guy buying out all the local beer that their purchase was worth supporting. After a bet with his favorite referee, inevitably catapulted up to Malaysia, well, Mr. Rachel caught fire for replying merely "Hiya". How much clearer can it be?


#зарубежная поэзия

Kitotam - He Speaks to It (Unabridged) (John  McDonald).

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