Applications of Plant Cell and Tissue Culture (Joan Marsh).

"Applications of Plant Cell and Tissue Culture" - это книга, которая затрагивает основы физиологии и цитологии растений и рассматривает практические аспекты использования растений как сельскохозяйственных культур и источников полезных соединений, производимых в виде вторичных метаболитов. В книге также рассматриваются проблемы коммерческой эксплуатации растений, социально-правовые аспекты генной инженерии сельскохозяйственных культур, а также трудности маркетинга натуральных соединений, производимых клетками при искусственных условиях.

In this work, the author provides information on the cellular and molecular physiology of plant structures and their interaction with each other as well as with the environment. She also gives emphasis on the principles and techniques of plant tissue and cell cultures. The relationship between crop improvement through genetic engineering techniques, as well as the cultivation of "natural" products of secondary metabolism, are also discussed in this work. All together, these subjects ensure that the book can be valuable and informative reading material for all those working with or interested in plant sciences, botany, agronomy, and plant husbandry, including environmentalists, chemical engineers, and agricultural biologists.


#научно-популярная литература

Applications of Plant Cell and Tissue Culture (Joan  Marsh).

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