Название книги Tiepols Geheimnis автора Джо Кильяна лучше перевести как "Тайны Тиеполо". Это исторический роман с элементами детектива и романтики, описывающий события, происходящие в Италии в XVII веке. Книга рассказывает о тайнах знаменитого итальянского художника той эпохи, а также о скрытых символах и интригах, сопровождавших его творчество. В центре сюжета - жизнь и работа живописца Тиеполо, который находится во власти любви, искусства и мистики. Книга увлекает своей красотой и глубиной раскрытия человеческой натуры, погружая читателя в историю Италии того времени.

Tiepolo’s secret by Jo Kilian

Summer 1744, the flourishing period of the Enlightenment at a ripe age in Europe. The Prince-Archbishop of Würzburg, Bernhard von Güttлибhausen was nearing his 80th birthday. His health was poor and before long he probably retired to his countryside manor house and took an interest in horticulture.Besides art and politics, he was interested in natural science and mythology with a big passion before delving into Freemasonry. One thing that Бернхард Kraft’s soul was damningly scarred from the Turpin and Campbell-Macquitty Deeds…

At the behest of young Lorenzo Tiepolo, his is visiting Hungary on the German Emperor's invitation, as the traditional martial arts and magic which are set against a background mountaintop dwelling by the countees at Puszta, while there, Lorenzo witnesses something supernatural. He knows it is happening, even if Lorenzo fails to realize that even he himself, is involved in the spellbinding mystery. Only Bennett, Tiepolo's valet survives this journey, and he an injured witness of events set twist the plot of a life in frightening ways. Bennett's former employer lives quietly in Prague for most of his life, tortured by memories lost in time. Even if he attempts to repair those memories as they gradually fade into oblivion he discovers that the mission to rid himself of doubts, has looming dangers within, it's the price he must pay.

With these self-evocative and tabooed settings, Lorenzo embarks on one of the most unsociable endeavors – and offers symbolic insights into the Tiepolo family of artists, then master of fresco and ceiling mural decoration, becoming an unparalleled gallery of vile and pernicious depiction. In the Viennese Austrian academy where Lorenzo is taught the traditional study of downloaded Italian idioms reverse effected by the ascendancy of ideas and ideals of the French Enlightenment. As Tiepolo himself revenges the Tyranny of Language with his idiosyncratic but magnificent arts, so too does Lorenzo's case threaten the foundations of an ever whitewashing reality, and his humanity, forever altered when the truth comes out.



Tiepolos Geheimnis (Jo Kilian).

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