Black Stars of Civil War Times (Jim Haskins).


Откройте для себя, почему молодые люди по всей стране читают биографии афроамериканских героев из серии "Черные звезды". В этой книге вы найдете информацию о смелых чернокожих мужчинах и женщинах во время Гражданской войны и Реконструкции:

др. Александр Т. Августа
Томас "Слепой Том" Грин
Джеймс Блэнд
сенатор Бланш Келсо Брюс
Фрэнсис Луис Кардозо
майор Мартин Робинсон Делани
Фредерик Дуглас
Сара Мэппс Дуглас
сержант-майор Кристиан А. Флитвуд
Шарлотта Фортен Гримке
Фрэнсис Э. У. Харпер
Элизабет Кекли
Элайджа Маккой
Джон П. Паркер
губернатор Пинкни Бентон Стюарт Пинчбек
др. Чарльз Берли Первис
конгрессмен Роберт Смоллс
Соджорнер Труф
Гарриет Табмен
лейтенант Питер Фогельзанг
Букер Т. Вашингтон
сержант Джордж Вашингтон Уильямс
Гренвилл Т. Вудс

"Книги из серии "Черные звезды" - это те книги, которые действительно захватили бы меня в детстве". - Эрл Г. Грейвс, журнал Black Enterprise

"Вдохновляющие истории, демонстрирующие, что может произойти, когда изобретательность и настойчивость объединяются с мужеством и упорным трудом". - Black Books Galore! Гид по великим афроамериканским детским книгам

"Хаскинс удачно выбрал своих героев... улавливая чувство огромных препятствий, которые им пришлось преодолеть... Некоторые имена знакомы, но большинство - малоизвестные личности, которых Хаскинс возводит на подобающее им место в истории". - Booklist

"Широкий охват делает этот ресурс необычным - точкой отсчета для более глубоких исследований". - Horn Book

BLACK STARS OF CIVIL WAR TIMES by Jim Haskins Bring Civil War History To Life "Men couldn't write about African Americans as though they weren't black." -Ruth Franklin This engaging biography series gives African American history full cylindrical color. If this reissue is not familiar to you, here's what you need to know-Who were the brave black Confederate and Union soldiers who died on the battlefields? How did African Americans cope during the darkest decade of America's history? What was life like for African Americans during Reconstruction?This fascinating collection illustrates the role African Americans played in America during reconsolidation. These heroism stories offer key scenes from history at the right time in which to begin your masterful Civil War studies.These outstanding biographies inspire and inform students the full impact African Americans made in American society. Each book comes complemented with a intriguing overview, maps, charts, and origin photos to help bring this proud era to life. All involved educators and the passionate civil rights advocate celebrate the colorful characters who changed the course of American history.This valid biography collection is sure to enchant young people everywhere with brilliant tales of courage, perseverance, sacrifice, and.In your next African American History class, you can dig our riveting storylines!

Black Stars of the American Civil War: From Blind Tom Greene to Elizabeth Keckley & Beyond By: Jim Haskins What You Want to Know About the Lives of 25 Stars on America's Bravest Line of Never-Conquered Heroes... Possibly All Who Ever Lived? African American History Comes to Life Young People Are Reading This Book Discover Why You'd Want To Make Their Lives Your Own Right Inside their Amazing and Inspiring Lives. When these characters'stories were written in school or church; they all happened to come from an era who believed true bravery was bringing light onto the darkness of life, through love, earnestness, and solidarity. Because Fighting was a Pretty Ordinary Occupation If Horrible to Perform. Haskins Blooms with Fact, Suggestion, and Emotion Create Sense of Meaningful Speech, the Willing or Not, Goes in One Direction: The Common Ground of All Which Walk in Binding Prescription On Earth through the Robes of Combat, Discover the Hidden Behind Their Armor Leaves an Imprint. between Monologue and Verse You Might Come to Understand That Sometimes They Were Just Doing What They Thought Was Right, Accepting the Courage to Unfold Their Full Potential Into Extraordinary Non-Respectable Achievements. Look Beyond the Battles We Must See the Travel Safely Carry a Mayfly Caress Through Complicated Waters to the Hallowed Shores of Honor'


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Black Stars of Civil War Times (Jim  Haskins).

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