Virtual Teams. People Working Across Boundaries with Technology (Jessica Lipnack).

Virtual Teams: People Working Across Boundaries With Technology, by Jessica Lipnack, is an essential guide for anyone who wants to understand and navigate the complexities of working with virtual teams. This book offers a fresh perspective on the challenges and opportunities associated with working across boundaries and utilizing technology to facilitate collaboration and communication.

Lipnack’s approach is practical and accessible, offering practical advice and examples from real-world experiences. She highlights the importance of effective communication, trust building, and team dynamics in a virtual setting. The book is filled with insights, tips, and case studies that provide readers with valuable knowledge and strategies to help them navigate the challenges of virtual work.

In addition to providing practical advice, Lipnack also shares her personal experiences as a leader in a virtual team. Her candid reflections on the challenges she faced and the lessons she learned along the way offer a unique perspective on what it takes to build successful virtual teams.

Overall, Virtual Teams is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their teamwork and collaboration skills in a virtual environment. It is a valuable resource that offers practical guidance and inspiration for those seeking to navigate the complex world of virtual teams.

This book explores how virtual teams work across boundaries supported by technology to enhance collaborative processes. It looks at foundational elements of such teams, leading team members separately to work together to complete common projects. With this advanced teamwork model, Lipnack, Stamps, Kollock and Kraut explore various types of virtual team structures to help organizations understand how they work within globally distributed teams. Virtual teams can be defined as groups of individuals who are geographically disjointed and use technology to collaborate on projects. Readers may get valuable insights from this book specifically about how to approach various communication tactics, project management strategies, especially when groups of people work remotely. Managing a distant team seems easier when you can observe what other professionals are doing. Other chapters include regional characteristics of different cultures which affects team dynamics and how the different design choices can influence performance if the team culture is not well aligned with virtual collaboration. The drawbacks of ineffective project management include increased communication costs, unclear project milestones, insufficient information sharing, better utilization of company's resources, scheduling conflicts, and ineffective decision-making. Seeing global challenges through the collective lenses of diverse individuals working virtually and on an interdisciplinary basis shows that irrespective of hierarchical positions, innovative ideas can emerge from where they first converge. Higher education bodies must reconsider to how intellectual capital should be transferred integrally, both horizontally and vertically. These methods can then be utilized effectively in various sectors, starting from early childhood education and extending to high-tech services. There are also specific cases explored regarding corporate scenarios like lncs which entails more unique properties relating to distant collaboration frameworks and the way they function in remote locations while tackling important projects. The value this book adds to our field is its practical approach towards first-time adopters, and when employees come into contact with similar organizational forms. Remote work collaborations can bring ample benefits associated with existing practices within teams to a greater extent. Read this book, and you will be able to grasp crucial communication routes leading to successful global team projects across organizational boundaries.


#зарубежная деловая литература

Virtual Teams. People Working Across Boundaries with Technology (Jessica  Lipnack).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Virtual Teams. People Working Across Boundaries with Technology
  • Автор: Jessica Lipnack
  • Категория: Зарубежная деловая литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9780470438954