Don't Forget to Write for the Elementary Grades. 50 Enthralling and Effective Writing Lessons (Ages 5 to 12) (Jennifer Traig).

Книга "Не забудь писать для начальных классов. 50 увлекательных и эффективных уроков письма" предлагает 50 творческих планов уроков письма от изобретательных и очень успешных писательских лабораторий 826 National. Созданная для того, чтобы заинтересовать всех учеников (в том числе и тех, кто наиболее устойчив к творческому письму), уроки варьируются от забавных (например, "Другая история игрушек: оживите свои игрушки") до практических, от спорта до науки, от музыки до тайн. Эти уроки написаны экспертами, а также любимыми писателями, актерами и другими знаменитостями. Уроки связаны со стандартами общекорректурных навыков. Эта книга - настоящий кладезь проверенных и испытанных уроков для обучения навыкам письма, оригинальные занятия заинтересуют даже самых сложных учеников. Организация 826 National имеет филиалы в восьми городах: Сан-Франциско, Нью-Йорк, Лос-Анджелес, Энн-Арбор, Чикаго, Сиэтл, Бостон и Вашингтон. 826 National - некоммерческая организация, основанная Дэйвом Эггерсом, которая стремится поддерживать учителей, публиковать работы учеников и предлагать услуги для изучения английского языка.

Book DescriptionDon't Forget To Write For The Elementary Grades: 50 Engaging And Effective Basic Writing Tutorials (Ages: 5-12) By Jennifer TraigEdited byJennifer Traig, the Every Young Child Deserves An Ocean of Creative Learning Don’t Forget To Write for the elementary grades, you discover in these engaging and effective 50 writing tutorials a thorough selection of enriching and motived learning activities that they will love. Time management principles specially picked creative experts have worked and tested these techniques at the same 826 national creative Labs where strategies like “the Ultimate Nature Study,” “Set A Future Date On Your Alarm” and “Save to Them Teacher?” book. Each of them offers up intriguing ideas and decisive inventions to acknowledge creativity points in the faculty of every child. Insightful TechniquesSpark step up literacy in amusing, practical and relatable ways. By reaching out to the interests, inquisitiveness and internship’s fit of kids, energized your classes to unveil new dimensions in every block. Who wouldn’t find the magic of directing word into lifelike toys coming to life. The Very Best Teaching ToolsEvery technique IDEAs and tools aboard this treasure trove are ardently based on field experiences and cross-instructive information drawn right from the central shed. Done in close-knit collaboration with some of the most innovative educators and teacher educators nationwide. This book doubles as the perfect gateway for new educators, practicing educators, higher school teachers and parents to build their expertise and knowledge in creative teaching practices. Thoroughly ExaminedIn Ever young child deserves an ocean of creative learning, Don’t forget to write for elementary grades: 5 0 engaging And effective basic teaching systems (ages, 5 - 12): showcase inspiring principles, case example-based tutorial suggestions and suggested parents’ guides to hold its place as essential reading. Wanting to brush up on creativity or brush up your fundamental skills in elementary classes? Get this all-encompassing palm of tactics and in invented methods in action today!


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Don't Forget to Write for the Elementary Grades. 50 Enthralling and Effective Writing Lessons (Ages 5 to 12) (Jennifer  Traig).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Don't Forget to Write for the Elementary Grades. 50 Enthralling and Effective Writing Lessons (Ages 5 to 12)
  • Автор: Jennifer Traig
  • Категория: Зарубежная образовательная литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781118132272