A Soldier's Prayer (Jenna Mindel).

Книга "A Soldier's Prayer" автор Дженна Миндел Книга рассказывает об уникальной возможности для Моники Зелински и Кэша Миллера, обрести любовь и веру в будущее. Сталкиваясь с трудными испытаниями судьбы, они находят друг друга, несмотря на горе и проблемы. Они забывают про сложности и даруют начало новой главы собственной жизни. Из мизерной надежды на нормальную жизнь, она становится источником мотивации для наших героев. Книга поможет вспомнить, что нет ничего невозможного и открыть сердца для любви, которую все мы ищем.

Live for today, love for tomorrow... Maple Springs was where second chances began.

His fears had shroud him in darkness but his feetress ounces, dragging him onto a clifftop, aflamed a way through the desert to the underbelly of an Oasis.

Before Monica Zelinsky 's eyes, the future had seeped away through the cracks of the crumbling walls of her ruined life. Stripped of the means through which she campaigned for her daughter' s adoptions, she lost the hope that fueled her every waking moment.

But in the shadows of her existences, a clarity took shape. And in that clarity she found, a reason to begin again... a calm, patient boat drifting effortlessly against the currents of her destructive despair, tailoring itself to embrace each challenging ripple that life had cast her way.

And in that garden, where her heart- kindness awaited a last lying fall, awareness blossomed into a rebirth. In the heart of their eternal love, they hoped to wake once more.


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A Soldier's Prayer (Jenna Mindel).

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