Stock Trader's Almanac 2022 (Jeffrey A. Hirsch).

Книга "Stock Trader's Almanac", автор Джеффри А. Хирш, представляет собой один из самых надежных альманахов, используемых опытными инвесторами, чтобы получать прибыль год за годом. Созданная в 1967 году Ялом Хиршем, «Альманах фондового трейдера» предоставлял инвесторам советы и стратегии по зарабатыванию денег на протяжении более шести десятилетий, таких как «Барометр января» и «Рождественский ралли». Альманах стал причиной появления таких важных явлений рынка, как «Лучшая стратегия на шесть месяцев», которая обычно известна как "Продай в мае и уходи"», и четырехлетний предвыборный цикл президентов.

Хирш-младший передал свои знания о фондовом рынке своему сыну Джеффри Хиршу, который присоединился к организации в качестве аналитика рынка и историка

The 2017 version has now been updated with a ton of new and valuable information for savvy investor in 2018! It will help you make smart, profitable investment decisions and will also show you which investment strategy works best for your style and specific goals. This updated set of material features new & much improved performance data on over 350 sorts of stocks, with an average 31% gain that it has recorded since it began 45 years ago! This Accuracy Data & Number Of Performance Data Have Never Been Included In One Comprehensive Database. Over the last 40 years, , the Bank of America Almanac has consistently provided regular and comprehensive recommendations for investing performance, thus helping millions of investors over the years - and now, its morphed to include simple and & useful templates so that you can find your way in the World of Financial MarketsEasier than ever! With a brand-new concise & easy tutorial program on a system that has evolved over many years, with its 3 principles, that have proven excellent results in losing 8 times fewer shares than those who blindly trust a trading advisor, you will learn to invest your funds wisely. Including resources to read up on the hottest startups, Upcoming IPOs, Notable CEOs & Companies. Additionally, tools to assist you analyze financial industries, examine market sentiments, & make competent investment plans are included here. And that's just the basics, including a detailed overview of practical investing concepts. The photographs in this manual were taken from Pinterest and some of them may be not be correctly attributed to their owners as manually marked, if they look strange or disturbing to you or in case you want to request that they be taken down, let us know and we will do our best to comply with your request.


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Stock Trader's Almanac 2022 (Jeffrey A. Hirsch).

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