An All-Too-Human Virus (Jean-Luc Nancy).

The book **«An All-Too Human Virus»** written by **Jean-Luc Nancy** represents research on the consequences of various natural and social transformations that have been occurring during the two centuries.

From the past to the present, humanity goes through many significant turns in its history with pandemics being a sad consequence of all previous processes. But so far, the human race perceives them as a divine sentence with no reason to reconsider. In fact, these diseases not only spread due to social contacts but also showcase new qualities of viruses. As such humanity sees it, viruses as well as mankind, are becoming more and more human.

Yet at the same time, under the influence of the pandemic period, the author describes the complexity of living organisms and looks at political struggles in a new light.


#афоризмы и цитаты

An All-Too-Human Virus (Jean-Luc Nancy).

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