Operation Red Dragon and the Unthinkable - World War III Series, Book 2 (Unadbridged) (James Rosone).

"Operation Red Dragon and The Unthinkable" by James Rosone is Book 2 of the "World War III" series and is an unabridged edition. It continues the story that began with the previous volume.

The book follows the events that occur when the United States refuse to surrender their military forces to the demands of the Caliphate in the Middle Eastern region. The plot takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where technology has fallen apart and mankind has lost control of their planet.

Rosone's work explores the challenges faced by people living in this harsh environment, as well as the political and social issues that arise due to the nation's refusal to cooperate with their neighbors. Despite the dire circumstances, people must find ways to survive, maintain law and order, and preserve their identities.

This part of the series features many characters, including the ones who have appeared in prior volumes, and presents new ones who are crucial to understanding the complex world Rosone has created in his writings on the subject of ecological, human, and societal crises.


#историческая фантастика

Operation Red Dragon and the Unthinkable - World War III Series, Book 2 (Unadbridged) (James Rosone).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Operation Red Dragon and the Unthinkable - World War III Series, Book 2 (Unadbridged)
  • Автор: James Rosone
  • Категория: Историческая фантастика
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 4251703526335