Caliope, agente de Nunca Jamás (J.L. Flores).

Calíope is an agent of the agency Never Jamás who was assigned with the task of maintaining peace and coexistence between humans and people. It was not the first time when children were kidnapped. Many underground came from traditional where kidnapping children is a common practice in some cases it even forms part of their folklore tradition. Those humans who knew about us called us haelves because we reminded them of our myths and folklore characters, many of which we made up much higher in dignity when we felt better than humans Now we prefer to be simply called undergrounders It's more modest. At least to me I like and fits my charming personality. To not go crazy or worse, liars, it's important to throw light on some myths. There was never a queen, beautiful and eternal, an undying symbol of our race. As a half-blood detective, Caliopey has always been outside the scope of everything. Very human to be Underground, too subtle for humans.



#детская познавательная и развивающая литература

Caliope, agente de Nunca Jamás (J.L. Flores).

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