Ivanka Ivanova's Songs - part four (Ivanka Ivanova Pietrek).

Ivanka Pietrek is a singer from Bulgaria with an impressive repertoire. In this book, she presents 34 of her most popular songs, including original music and lyrics. Each song is categorized according to genre and accompanied by notes. Readers will be able to listen to their original recordings on various CD albums. One of the songs is a carnival tune created by Ivanka herself, which was recorded on a German radio station. Her lyrics are written in the original language, but have been translated into Latin characters for this edition of the book. The front cover features a stunning image of Ivanka performing on stage, surrounded by a vibrant rainbow of colors. This book is the perfect way to learn about the history and style of

Песни Иванки Ивановой часть четвертая



Ivanka Ivanova's Songs - part four (Ivanka Ivanova Pietrek).

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