Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume 61 (Ilya Prigogine).

"Advances in Chemical Physics" Volume 61 by Ilya Prigogine представляет собой издание, посвященное критическим и авторитетным обзорам последних разработок в области физической химии и химии. Сборник представляет собой собрание самых последних исследований, выполненных в данном направлении. Каждая страница наполнена информацией, которая не встречается в другой литературе. Этот том может стать отличным дополнением к курсу лекций в университете по изучению химической физики.

The Advances in Chemical Physics, published by the Interscience Publishers, New York, contains critical and authoritative reviews of important developments in every region of chemical physics research. Edited by Prigogine, this collection documents only that which is introduced in its volume; these volumes contain neither original experimental work nor theoretical manuscripts. Each volume of this series is the ideal complement to courses in advanced or graduate chemical physics, yet most students who wish to keep up with advancements in this increasingly active discipline find the bulk of their research done elsewhere. Trends evident in review articles include: an increased engagement with molecular modeling; interest in information concepts, entropy, and free energy associated with non-equilibrium phenomena, turbulence and flow instabilities; and efforts toward creating unified theory embracing microscopic and macroscopic scales. This is an essential superscript for researchers perusing chemical physics; all members of graduate departments or research labs in this field should own substantial volumes of the series. (Pr70CA16 1970)


#научно-популярная литература

Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume 61 (Ilya  Prigogine).

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