Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume 72 (Ilya Prigogine).

Книга “Advances in Chemical Physics” авторства Ильи Пригожина описывает критический и авторитетный обзор научных достижений в области химической физики и физической химии. Она содержит передовые исследования, представленные в целостном виде, который не встречается в других публикациях. Каждый том серии “Advances in Chemical Physics”, идеально дополняет любой продвинутый курс по изучению химической физики.

The Advances in Chemical physics, Volume 71, is authored by Ilya Prigogine and is part of a series that has provided the fields of chemical physics and physial chemistry with a platform for critical and authorative evaluations of new developments in all aspects of their respective disciplines. The volumes are composed of cutting edge research that is reported on in a way that is cohesive and is not found in other publications within this field. Each volume serves as an excellent adjunct to any university advanced graduate course that involves studies in chemical physics.


#научно-популярная литература

Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume 72 (Ilya  Prigogine).

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