The Ballad of Ensign Joy (Hornung E.W.).

“The Ballad of Ensign Joy” - это роман, написанный английским писателем Эриком Вулфом Хорнунгом (1896-1977). Книга была опубликована в 1921 году и рассказывает историю молодого офицера, который оказывается втянут в политические интриги в период Первой мировой войны. Главный герой, Энсайн Джой, является представителем высшего класса, но он не может оставаться в стороне от событий, происходящих в его стране.

В романе Хорнунга описывается жизнь и приключения Джоя, его друзей и врагов, а также влияние политических событий на его жизнь. Автор использует яркие описания и динамичный сюжет, чтобы создать увлекательную и захватывающую историю. Книга также содержит элементы романтики и приключений, что делает ее интересной для читателей всех возрастов.

Ensign Joy is among the narrators of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan stories, but he is an increasingly famous and popular character in his own right. Ensign Jolly is the young honor/lieutenant son of George Joy, an old friend of British Naval Commander Henry Rathbone who did service on his ships, The Empress and the Minotaur. Ensign Joy was well-educated at Leatherhead Grammar School, Kent and at Natal College, England, and carries his parents heritage for his tall good looks and distinguished features, like that of his father Professor Raymond Joy — two factors greatly responsible for him having become first mate to his Capitan Sir Edward Channing before exiting at Lihiru Island as first lieutenant on the Manicomia, to explore the surrounding jungle and locales since discovering a source of water at a pre-Roman ruins site by Wild Bill Donovan. Ensign Henry Jolly also exploits the element of surprise, using the artwork and mastery of mimicry, his principles lies in not "wasting ammunition" with tokens such as coconut fragile cups, signs and vestments of superstition and religion—in this case used against himself as designs engraved over the white shirts suggest the worn and corrupted morality of "captaincy and government" in his sea-faring career dedicating his love and care for Family and Home to the Terapithories—among the others helping out being the happy dozed man known as Sixer Branca (Uncle Bambi). Illustrating the depth of enmity between Ensign Joe and Commander Channing already established in the Tarzan novel series—by a challenger of higher social status; Burroughs held Hunter Kolchak in great repute as he amassed the wealth to fund his research regarding the newly-discovered lost Civilization of Ar — enslaving the Kala-Amazons, the Negritos, and over 20 primate species from the Moluccan, Andamanese and Borneo tribes, consequently leading to an escalation of the complex web of worldly tensions headed by The German Kaiser, British Prime Minister Lord Richard Talbot, Madame Leonie Fontaine and French Admiral Ferdinand Forez searching trail around the world for broom-raw materials for chemical weapons.


#зарубежная классика

The Ballad of Ensign Joy (Hornung E.W.).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Ballad of Ensign Joy
  • Автор: Hornung E.W.
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain