Surface Design: Applications in Bioscience and Nanotechnology (Holger Schonherr).

Эта тщательно подобранная сбалансированная комбинация обзорных и исследовательских глав охватывает актуальные темы в области биоинтерфейсов, биодатчиков, наночастиц на границах раздела и функционализированных квантовых точек. Книга также включает главы, основанные на неопубликованных работах, посвященных таким темам, как дизайн поверхностей и их применения, а также новые методы анализа для материаловедения и наук о жизни. Основанная на очень тесном и взаимодополняющем сотрудничестве трех выдающихся ведущих исследовательских групп, эта книга освещает последние достижения в области от синтеза и изготовления органических и полимерных материалов, науки о поверхностях и границах раздела до передовых аналитических методов. Таким образом, она затрагивает новые концепции в микро- и нанофабрикации, бионанотехнол

This carefully selected selection of tutorial review chapters and cutting-edge research addresses hot topics associated with biointerfaces, bioanalysis, particles at interfaces, functionalised quantum dots, and other fields. Chapters derived from pre-publication work, as well as upcoming improvements to analytical instruments for materials and life sciences, are included here. Building from the close and symbiotic cooperation between distinct leading research groups across disciplines, the book shows the recent progress in fields including organic and polymer production, surface activity, analytical techniques, nanofabrica-tion, biotechnology, specific instrumentation, and basic biologies. On almost all chapters issues related to the creation of complex hierarchal architecture and potential applications on the basis of chemical and practical methodologies, biochemistry monitoring, diminishing and future biomolecules, are analysed. This unique source of knowledge from chemical science, physical science, biological investigation, surface chemistry, and engineering permits quick acquisition of knowledge by college students, professionals, and experienced experts alike.

This carefully selected blend of tutorial review chapters, and sophisticated research, covers commercially important topic areas in the fields of biointerfaces, biosensing devices, nanoparticles of interfaces, as well personalization of quantum dots (QDs). The book also features chapters deriving from work that has not yet been published about subject areas such as surfaces design, their application, and new developments in analytics science for both scientific and material science. The book takes into consideration the thorough and ongoing cooperation between three prestigious leading research group, highlighting recent achievements within the field, encompassing, for example, synthesizing and fabricating organic and composite materials, listening and analysis science, plus sophisticated analyzing approaches. This book, thus, addresses newer ideas in microscale/nanotech and biosensor devices as well as the essential layer analysis. Special focus is being paid to relational, hierarchical biotechnology architectures, and probability application implications of distinct chemical or physical methodologies, encompassing diagnostic biology, brand new biosensor machinery and adhesion studies.


#научно-популярная литература

Surface Design: Applications in Bioscience and Nanotechnology (Holger  Schonherr).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Surface Design: Applications in Bioscience and Nanotechnology
  • Автор: Holger Schonherr
  • Категория: Научно-популярная литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9783527628605