The Piazza Tales (Unabridged) (Herman Melville).

Эпопея о времени, когда человеческая жизнь сосредоточена в радиусе около километра между центром города и привокзальной площадью. Человечество кипит вокруг гигантского огня, зажженного деньгами, которые правят этим миром жадности. Странный человек находит своего рода сочувствие среди подлецов, транжир и снобов.

Herman Melville's Pulitzer Prize–winning classic of American short stories — rich, alarming, and unsettling — is emblematic of Melville the artist. In The Piazza Tales the narrator of the village is introduced, recounting his life on the small Cornish island of Palermo. Further readers are treated to tales of curiosity, a mystery surrounding a young man from London, capitalist rot, poignant reunion's and clean living, Marcy Hall, Anna Catharine Greenhow's maiden romp across Barnegat Light and Keokuk among others. Life amongst the poor in Kip's Cove offers a glimpse behind those living a respectable and genteel life on 39 North Street, New York, N.Y. Comprising some 20 remarkable Pennsylvanian tales, this volume will intrigue readers with its interesting characters, engaging situations, and characteristic Midwestern poverty. At once hilarious, horrifying and camp, The Piazza Tales by its title is both as true to the literary New Yorkers as it is captivating and necessary reading.


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The Piazza Tales (Unabridged) (Herman Melville).

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