Performance Management For Dummies (Herman Aguinis).

Книга "Performance Management For Dummies" авторства Германа Агиунса - это простое и доступное руководство по эффективному управлению производительностью вашего бизнеса. В ней содержатся все необходимые компоненты для организации определения и измерения результативности в поведении работников, а также исходящих от них результатов. Это руководство также предлагает новый пошаговый циклический процесс, чтобы помочь вам отслеживать работу своих сотрудников, выявлять необходимость в улучшениях и следить за ростом их профессиональных навыков. Книга поможет менеджерам разработать систему оценки эффективности сотрудников и использовать ее в целях мотивации, способствуя росту и развитию персонала.

Performance Management For Dummies takes a scientifically-sound approach to laying out the fundamentals of effective performance management in business organizations. If you are unacquainted with this book, then here's a brief description of what it has in store for you. Implement best-in-class Performance Management Systems Performance Management For Dummies presents the most up-to-date approach to infusing performance management into an organization's broader strategic goals and priority lines. It covers all the pitfalls and problems associated with defining and measuring both job duties (also known as employee behaviors) as well as the results of employee work (job outcomes). The book covers all these aspects with clinical detail, while also guiding managers and superiors in the practical approach to apply these concepts in their day-to-day management strategies. The practical guidance presented is particularly valuable for managers at the CEO-level, who are faced with issues ranging from choosing the right performance instruments for evaluating employees to providing the appropriate feedback in order to maximize employee growth and development, particularly to enhance organizational success levels. This book enables managers to understand whether or not their current performance management techniques are being applied successfully. It also gives them the necessary tools to make adjustments where necessary, in both the choice of performance indicators and assessment methods. Having such practical information at your disposal allows you to incorporate performance management processes into your organization with greater precision and yield real business value. Your journey begins as you learn the critical skills of defining performance standards and output measures, emphasize key career development milestones, manage feedback sessions within a feedback climate that fosters reciprocity and respect, and ultimately align employee career paths with strategic priorities grounded at the founding (or founding) knolls of organizational planning. Journey Towards Effectiveness and Accountability? The success of any performance management strategy relies on the actions you take to ensure your employees have a clear sense of work-related goals, expectations, routines and accountability for meeting performance and developmental milestones. Typically, such goals must be linked to the overarching strategies and institutional plans for delivering long-term organizational growth or sustainability. At the end of the day, successful performance management is a continual journey - a downward spiral that relies upon the stride you take in evaluating performance, adjusting job expectations, providing effective employee development, reinforcing commitment to organizational priorities, resource allocating towards continuous learning, reflecting on evaluation experiences, redefining goals - and the sequence is repetitive. Building performance management structures that support alignment between individual career goals and organizational strategic imperatives is pivotal. You get to learn the contributions of various theories, models and approaches to performance management - for designer, learning and leadership development.



Performance Management For Dummies (Herman Aguinis).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Performance Management For Dummies
  • Автор: Herman Aguinis
  • Категория: Мотивация
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781119557661