The Friendship Tree (Unabridged) (Helen J. Rolfe).

"Дружеское древо" (полная версия)

Тамара покидает Лондон и уезжает на десять тысяч миль, чтобы уйти от прошлого с бывшим. Но как только она решает начать все с чистого листа, она знакомится с Джейком - и ее жизнь становится намного сложнее, чем она могла себе представить. Джейк является прямым конкурентом для семейного бизнеса и человеком с темным секретом, и Тамаре трудно сдерживать свое влечение к нему, когда она сама справляется с собственными секретами и бывшим, который отказывается отступать. Тамара вскоре оказывается втянутой в небольшое сообщество Брюер Крик, где она становится координатором старомодного "Дружеского дерева" - списка людей, на которых можно положиться в трудные времена. И вскоре она понимает, что "Дружеское дерево" делает гораздо больше, чем организует сбор средств и волонтерские работы; оно имеет силу объединить всего городка. Стоит ли вам когда-нибудь пытаться убежать от своего прошлого?

The Friendship Tree is a beautiful novel by Helen J. RoIffe, that can be categorized in the Inspirational Romance genre. The story involves Tamara, who is emotionally healing from a heartbreak and decides to come back home to Brewer Creek, in order to join the community activities. She also comes across Jake, who also has a secret mainly due to money matters and issues related to his family. Other supporting characters include Alex, Tamara's childhood friend whose wedding announces, Diana, Jake's cousin, Sons of God style Christian characters etc.

The book also touches upon women's solidarity, friendship, love, relationships, single motherhood and survival. It's also a good read if you like female protagonists who attempt to make the best out of a problematic past. TVP comes back to haunt me while I'm at one point of the story, which I thought was added well. The writing style is fairly simple and easy to relate to. It stays a little grounded at the same time, but still manages to energize and convince you to keep reading till the end.

The Friendship Tree by Helen J Rolfe The Friendship Tree. By Helen J. If you've never heard of Tamar and Jake it is a story of moving on after a painful breakup and how life takes a different turn when they cross paths features journey around the world, young lovers and their struggle in an aimert beaux. Jake and Tamar are the competitors for everyone's favorite family business in Brewerk Creek, a neighborhood hidden in the wilderness. Both know each other but keep quiet on that fact and decide dating after Jake survives flying fish ingestion is just not to far-fetched prospects. although their friendship grows deeper day by day which complicates matters of course entirely when everyone finally discovers their relationship and its far more serious than both think. Three weeks later he was so utterly, utterly spent—but there was her smiling face, so radiant, so happy, and then she was whispering something in his ear. "You know," she said, echoing their very first conversation, "I'm friends with Tasmanian devil." Speaking effusively about black suede jacket, Roland gave them a flawless smile and chatted about Jane Austen. James Joyces virtual for mrs Trentham class was something young ladies revered every girl at Carnegie Mellon. That's until I met Brad, her eyes danced and she timidly admitted her shortcoming. Oh, she'd discussed movie stars and even was asked out on a blind date by Sean Connery but Teresa was left light-headed and thrilled when Brad said it was all her charm that drew him to her. Now, it was my turn to confess, "Well, from what I can see," my cool gaze unflinching, "-- your ex made it pretty clear he wants you back." A passionate sigh emitted from Teresa and her hair blew gently into my face. My nice glasses barely managed not to skew to the side and somehow remained on my nose. "But he understands, perhaps better now, just how much I love Brad. That prick tried to steal me away when I wanted to move forward with Brad," her voice trembled but there was fire in her soul. She sure did! as if she was standing a gallant knight with his hands on his hips, declaring, stately escort. At the moment where I needed it most of all, her face lit up with hope, and she yelled, laughing heartily, "Oh, banish Brackman. I want Brad. To make things crystal clear, es amigo de los galgos." a small flicker od worry crossed through me and I decided it was best to dispel those misgivings immediately, softly but firmly pushing Teresa away as I whispered in her ear,


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The Friendship Tree (Unabridged) (Helen J. Rolfe).

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