Der Geburtstagskuchen, Heimweh, das verflixte Kleid (Helen Braasch).

"Birthday Cake, Homesick, That Damn Dress", published by Helen Braasch, tells the stories of real life children in Leipzig in the mid-twentieth century, speaking of hunger, longing, fear of the bomb, dreams of peace, and the worries of a young child growing up in a big city at the time. Whether it's a lost teddy bear, a doll exchanged for a slice of bread, suspension from school, missing a dress to theater, or fearing for one's parents, each episode paints a vivid picture of war-torn years from a child's perspective. The book provides insight into a time alien to the present generation, a time without cell phones, televisions, or abundance. Now living in Potsdam, the Leipzig author has since published two other books, "The Sun Sets in the East" and "Animals with Us."


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Der Geburtstagskuchen, Heimweh, das verflixte Kleid (Helen Braasch).

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