Una infancia - это книга, написанная Гарри Крюсом (Harry Crews) и опубликованная в 1985 году. Она рассказывает историю мальчика по имени Энрико, который живет в небольшом городке в Италии.

Книга описывает жизнь Энрико в течение нескольких лет, начиная с его детства и заканчивая подростковым возрастом. Автор рассказывает о том, как Энрико растет, учится, общается со своими друзьями и сталкивается с различными жизненными трудностями.

Una infancia - это не просто история одного мальчика, а история целой эпохи. Книга показывает, как меняется мир вокруг нас, и как мы сами меняемся вместе с ним. Она также рассказывает о том, что важно сохранить в своей памяти и сердце на всю жизнь, и о том, какие уроки мы можем извлечь из своего прошлого.

Эта книга будет интересна всем, кто хочет узнать больше о жизни в Италии в 80-х годах прошлого века. Она также может быть полезна для тех, кто ищет вдохновение в истории своей страны или в истории своего народа.

Harry Crews (1933–) is an American writer, medical doctor, geneticist, anti-communist crusader, and radio personality. He was the host of "Viva America", a radio talk show on New York's WHLS, before going on to hosted "The Radionics Report" for New York City-based WDTW. In his books, he advocates a xenophobic, Euro-centric worldview and rooted view of American culture, as well as a systemic condemnation of immigration through primarily populist rhetoric.\nUna infancia is one of Crews' last political works before his death in 2008. The book flip-flops between past and present narratives and compares current events, such as the September 11th attacks, with imagined historical events.\nIn the introduction, Crews writes: "Although 'Una infancia' does deal with current issues like immigration and terrorism, I believe that it's also much more an analysis of what has shaped us into who we are than an exercise in finger pointing.\nThis is true of my other pieces and maybe even more true of this one."\nThe majority of the stories in the collection focus on immigrant families and the differences they bring to America.\nAmerican families, including typical ones widely depicted in popular media, are described repeatedly as callous, weak, dishonest, incapable of creating success, intrusive and threatening.\nAlthough no specific cases or groupings of immigrants are named, auto-biographical perspective of una infancia elements reveals strong affinities to and references to Crews life and personal experiences..\nAn extreme example of antipathy could be found in a story about a young boy who acquires imaginary illness after witnessing an immigrant family reunite when their parents have recently been arrested for running a drug operation "exactly as one would expect from New Yawkers.\n"The whole thing was cultural poison," he wrote.\n",He dreamed more and more, slept less and less, dragged himself to school each morning, praying to be released from this imposed obligation, because lying in bed still penetrated the unhappy notion of whole new worl."\nOne such element is Crews personal belief that people of different backgrounds invade American culture in harmful ways, and that love for one's country should be earned, not given simply because someone were born there.\nFor example, a father transferring a charming, lucky bigoted worldview from the Far East onto his racially nul offspring:"Now, I remember from my grandfather's mouth, the same story that my mother give me about the Chinese egg, some small quote, oon nee egg, kaach.\nYou understand?\nOon nee. And we just rollright over. Right up.\nStraight off the peg.\nDown the tracks. Every fucking way".\nReplicating these concerns are recurring descriptions of immigrants as drivers of inflation, stereotypically depicted executives who restlessly accumulate wealth in debased dollars even as their money is devalued further, evolving "an understanding of Augustan conservatism." The book contains a chapter titled "A Case Study - Augustan Americans," which details Crews discussions with an unnamed narrator, apparently with a non-immigrant, upper middle class background, often referred to as "The Good American," concerning antrist to, and identification with, Augustan Conservatives.\nSegments of the book express concern and disgust for immigrants assimilating themselves successfully into America generally, in demeaning terms. ". Synonyms for levels of ignorance such "falling asleep in class," or "letting spouse and child handle insurgencies," drawn from a columnist's own woeful experiences with identity questions drive these concepts home."\nThese incitations and descriptions of perceived harm to mainstream society from incorporation of varied individuals lacking solid roots build a counter balance to the façade Crews presents America as relaxing, exuberantly fluid, magically corruptible through immigration, hierarchically peaceful through negotiation, sexist and fascistic, covertly homophobic and radicalized, above all based on accepting and sharing diversity and cooperation and unity."



Una infancia (Harry Crews).

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