Wilde Küsse (Hansjürgen Blinn (Hrsg.)).

"Wild Kisses" - это сборник поэтических произведений, посвященных страсти и сексуальной близости. Первая группа стихотворений, озаглавленная "Люби меня!", отражает желание любви и потребностей обоих полов, которые желают стать ближе друг к другу. Вторая группа, "Целуй меня!", изображает интенсивные физические отношения между партнерами, выраженные в страстном поцелуе. В третьей группе, "Возьми меня!", лирические стихи становятся более конкретными и все более акцентируют на физиологии, которая происходит между партнерами.

«Wilde Küsse» – just one of many metaphorical veers for the wanting of all amouriers, the sexual combination. The poems of this tome center on those. All are eagerness at possessing more temperately, some decisively. Moderation manifests itself in the thirty-three poems of the first part opened by «Liebe mich!». Here love is signified as yearning and wanting. The lover is often far, unreachable, sometimes even only a dream or desire, after which the lovers devour themselves. Whether the beloved is near and refuses the desires of the lover, he pines to her, offers gifts, perturbs her, assails her, wants to conquer her. Will he have success? – Toward the second group of thirty-three poignings denoting «Küss mich!», male and female wanting is still more pressing; the lovers experience physical pain if the desire for closeness – signified in these poems as an ardent kiss – woefully fails or can fail to be fulfilled. In the third part, which again includes thirty- three poems, finally, it comes to the point. The distinguishing heading is: «Nimm mich!». The texts are now quite concrete, sometimes overtly so. Now the protagonists limit themselves to no longer yearning and wantonly. Here wishes become true. In melting into each other the need is quenched, i.e. the wishing is fulfilled… metaphorically designated as death or «little death»… «I beg thee for wounds and for marks / Of your hands, that speak to me sacredly. / You should break the member that you have sucked, / Tho’ stiff it stands in your cathedral.» (Friedrich Schlei er)



Wilde Küsse (Hansjürgen Blinn (Hrsg.)).

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