The Theory of Quotation (Unabridged) (H. G. Wells).

The theory of quotation by H.G. Welles is a book about literature and how it works. It is a collection of essays on various authors and their works. The book presents a unique opportunity to discover and learn about the vast world of literature, both classic and contemporary.

Welles provides extensive analysis and commentary on literary works, exploring the art of creation, the structure of stories, and the language of poetry. He also shares his insights into the power of words and how they can shape our thoughts and emotions.

The Theory of Quotation by H.G. Weles is an essential guide for anyone interested in literature or who wants to expand their knowledge of the craft.

This volume presents H.G. Wells's critical essays on English and American literature and art. It includes his well-known reviews of art exhibitions and books by such authors as W. Baudelaire, Matthew Arnold, William Morris, Alfred Tennyson, Thomas Hardy and others. The book also reflects the acute interest that Wells took in Virgil, Chaucer, and Shakespeare, three factors for which he was to receive praise from Ezra Pound. Here we encounter the beginnings of Wells' ongoing fascination with mathematics and public monuments.


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The Theory of Quotation (Unabridged) (H. G. Wells).

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