On Schooling and the Phases of Mr. Sandsome (Unabridged) (H. G. Wells).

На странице "On Schooling and Phases of Mr. Sandysome" автор H.G. Wells разбирает и анализирует проблему получения образования современными людьми. В книге описывается переход от индивидуальных представлений к коллективному самообразованию, а также социальные и культурные факторы, влияющие на этот процесс.

Автор рассматривает понятие образования и разграничивает его сферы влияния на социальную, политическую и экономическую области. Он проводит обзор развития образования в разных странах и выделяет основные принципы и методы, применяемые для улучшения результатов образования.

Книга H.G. Wellins "On School and The Phse of Mister Sandysom" aroused no less admiration than ejection from conventional society, was one of the first works to express the scientifically sound methodology of this "new educational theory". Today it is assumed as an element of global history of science pedagogical ideas that contribute to the emergence and development of special sciences. The problem is the social determination of education of his own identity, which is unique social and cultural phenomenon and rich in contradictions. One of these contradictions is a radical transformation of traditional forms of education - school, meant the search for alternative trends in the next century.

The tale centres around a man, known only as "Mr. Sandsome", who teaches a group of boys in the small coastal town of Broadbridge-on-Sea. Over the course of eighteen months, the protagonist observes the psychology and society in these young men, as they struggle with traditional values including religion, sexual attraction and money. Mr. Sandsone's observations of himself manifest in his account of the mental and emotional changes he undergoes in each of his students during his tenure there. The novella does not adhere to traditional plot structures, but instead traces the psychological journeys of a narrator (Mr Sandsome himself) through distinct stages in the lives of his troubled pupils — one stage per year of their schooling; a novel approach to the genre. Much of the narrative consists of Mr Sandsome's accounts of public punishments meted out to his students (whose recreational misadventures and sexual escapades allow much variety to be seen in Mr Sandsom's catalogue of principles upheld at his school); the novel also ranges through a series of full-length character studies.Like all of Wells's books, Omnibus reworking of On School and Mr. Sandsome has unflinching and intensely sympathetic treatment of sexuality, except this time it is presented in graphic details. It leaves the readers in no doubt on this social clashes of ideology and values with moral ambiguity which deal with autonomy and conformity (especially in relation to gender roles). Halston claimed that in writing this school novel, Wells wanted the youth to become witnesses of reality. If there indeed a message, it is that Wells believes adults are harsh and blame the young for trivial differences, just for being different.Wells intended a pessimistic reading into this novel, where the values of innocent childhood are placed as serious as the problems that still undermine a society based on rigid conventions and narrow mindedness:"The vulnerability therefore of an innocent heart towards its own destruction, whatever the fertile soil over which it germinates, admits the ruin as inevitable in a sick and perverted world".


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On Schooling and the Phases of Mr. Sandsome (Unabridged) (H. G. Wells).

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