Love and Mr Lewisham (Unabridged) (H.G. Wells).

Книга "Love and Mr. Lewisham" от автора H. G. Wells (Любовь и мистер Левишем, полное издание) - это роман-утопия о мире будущего, в котором люди живут в коммунах и полностью отказались от личных благ и удовольствий. Главный герой, по имени Роберт, вынужден покинуть свою семью, чтобы присоединиться к коммуне, где он обнаруживает секреты прошлых цивилизаций, а также сталкивается с ужасами будущего. Книга иллюстрирует ситуацию, когда люди забывают о своих ценностях, о семейных и дружеских отношениях ради

Love and mr Lewisham from H G Wells is a classic first world feminist novel forecasting the grim prospects for women in our present day era, but redolent with some lovely touches that we might find charming today. Lydia Weller, a kind-hearted young woman, saddled by her widowed father with a wide range of petty tasks; an embarrassment to society considered to be the women's work. Her mother had died in childbirth and she lives with her father and her younger sister Sarah. The novel begins with the arrival of a stray dog mr Lewishame in the neighbourhood who becomes Lydia’s friend, the source of her amusement and release from her repetitive humdrum life and provides her shelter from both nature's unkindness as well as the cruelty of the people around her. Although mr Lewish ame is aware of Lydias plight he offers solace, companionship and respect and inspires enjoyable company in a community devoid of any such hope for Lydia. As the story progresses and Lydia reflects on her existence, she finds friendship to be a rather elusive dream due to the lingering condition of class differences. While mr Lewisheme belongs to a noble class, being a Plain City Hound, Lydia comes from a poor background and would be considered inferior in such interactions. This affront deepens the capabilities of our heroine to walk her own path and yet even in this bleak setting mr Lewish eme inspires her resolve to strive on amidst the obstacles. Addressing social issues that continue to vex and confound women no matter the time period, her fulfilment as a gifted woman's intellect prevails upon the trials thrown her way. Mr Lewishame emerges as a beautiful humanizing embodiment of man's flawed humanity that has sadly gained ascendance over woman. Embodying that pettiest of prejudices and ignorance his ugliness intoxicates the most beautiful aspects of each woman's character. In such a means Mr Lewish me exposes the core grievances of these illogical and detrimental beliefs. For while retreating into themselves for protection, they degrading and strip women of their human dignity rendering them unappealing for men who are missing out on personable quality and detest the ugliness within themselves. It is well known that the advances of the modern era brought about one of the major gains of women to this day, namely the idea of legal equality however this does not override the guilt of the very same society in continuing to be acrimonious to women and continuing to turn its back on even seemingly simple rights on women such as owning property or standing on the political platforms. Well charts the intricacies of the marriage laws governing women at that time and shows no sign of improvements inspiring little hope for today's struggling women folk.


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Love and Mr Lewisham (Unabridged) (H.G. Wells).

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