Ave Maria für eine Leiche (Günther Tabery).

Günther Taubery, Fotograf and Kriminalpolizei investigator, tries to solve the strange murders in the city of Dobel, where he arrives after a wedding season. While relaxing at the Retreat Center he is drawn into a group, hidden behind the facade of normality, and feels uneasy, as the community seems to benefit from his apparent calmness and indifference. This at first seemingly comfortable setting soon becomes the stage for violent crimes that catch up to the guests from outside. Guided by an innate instinct, Martin eventually uncovers more than his humble predilection for photography. His observational skills help him create a compelling profile of those caught in the crossfire between death and the grandiose delusions of their own sinister vision.



Ave Maria für eine Leiche (Günther Tabery).

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