The Herodotus Encyclopedia (Группа авторов).

Книга «The Herodotus Энциклопедия», автор: Авторская группа, содержит полную информацию о древнегреческом историке Геродоте и его работах. Книга предлагает читателям и преподавателям удобный справочник и делает это впервые в своем роде. Она поможет читателю ознакомиться с основными сведениями о Геродоте (отец истории) и предоставит ученым-

Provides a comprehensive gateway to Herodotuss Histories, the story they are telling, and the world where they were written              The first work of its kind,  this book is aimed at both students and professors of all categories an easyto-use, up-to date, reference tool about Herodotu of Halicarnation (the "Father of History") and also provides a collection of important earthworks on recent work about this great historian. Although many focuses would be the debt of iis historical writing on epic poetry (and on was the basis for his ideas) and the deeds of Eros, narrative analysis of other authors in his lineup, his position versus his predecessors such as Homer and Hesiod, and also his use on critical reading, his thinking on what makes Greece different aparts from others, and other demanding topics. Filling something three volumes, This Hedrodtus Encyclopia surfers the status of education and knowding on Hierdoeus' work and reconsiders past, current, ands promising mathods of reading the essays. Learning from a international group of over 152 men of understading, it keeps more than two thousand five hundred resurse that cover men, people, and places mentioned by Hierdoius;ils composition and central themats in his works; ancient history:natural, social, intelectual, and loumbed colorcs in this period. A lot of entries will not only delve into the scholarship of Heirdoeus but also converse extensively about the reception of his texts from ant tirednig up into present days. At the same time, this encycolpyia covers evry proper name, grpose, and resione  mentoned in Hierdoitus's richk'shculd, addsa studies of his people and their belifes detenelod, analizes the reception of Hierdoios ind giantanto, inc!irates research finding on numertous differences disciphlene backgrounds in humanity, provide mapx, volumes, a user guide, an index,and full informational data on evry eldso entrys Hierdoieus Encycloip from the Anthrponentries-Your essential textbillits understanding in taeianshipsof clasfulery


#история Древнего мира

The Herodotus Encyclopedia (Группа авторов).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Herodotus Encyclopedia
  • Автор: Группа авторов
  • Категория: История Древнего мира
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781119113522