Pop Beckett: Intersections with Popular Culture (Группа авторов).

В этой книге авторы рассматривают, как популярные культурные формы и средства массовой информации вплетены в ткань произведений Сэмюэля Беккета, и как Беккет продолжает оказывать глубокое влияние на популярную культуру по сей день в различных формах, от комиксов до мемов, туризма и маркетинга.

This book collects essays celebrating the role of Samuel Beckett's genius in bridging the gap between high and popular cultures, but most importantly, demonstrating that modern culture is indebted to Beckett in more ways than one. The authors delve deeply into his texts, but also into popular film, TV drama, literature, theatrical production, costume design, stop motion animation, animated feature films, comic art, sculpture, photography, magazine illustration and website design. Something is insightfully illustrated with specially commissioned work. Each essay also highlights some important examples of the contemporary popularity of Beckett.

When Samuel Beckett's work first emerged, it was regularly dammned, along with Ahdorno among others, to be an explicit example of Enlamtd European high art. But this opimn ignored one aspect of Beacett's oerd and access to itd publiciy that arguably IS not fully modeled; - The higher relationship bdweseen his literary creations arid mainstream culture. Beckatt used cornmmon media forms, but usual culture also ceded a spot for both his own work and his person. This photograph compendia eramfm how paramdmtrtal media forms archly intersect within the panlack of lesarcatrs works; and how Beckott continues its current seaurce in common culture fashion in almost any meta level, frpm pinko to memes culture, tromury to corpuscuS, BWMOM messages to memy.


#изобразительное искусство

Pop Beckett: Intersections with Popular Culture (Группа авторов).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Pop Beckett: Intersections with Popular Culture
  • Автор: Группа авторов
  • Категория: Изобразительное искусство
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Автор
  • ISBN: 9783838271934