FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (Группа авторов).

Эта книга использует подход “учиться на практике”, чтобы познакомить читателей с концепциями и техниками VHDL и FPGA для разработчиков через серию практических экспериментов. FPGA Prototyping with VHDL Examples предоставляет набор четких, простых в использовании шаблонов для быстрого создания кода; большое количество практических примеров, иллюстрирующих и укрепляющих концепции и методы проектирования; реалистичные проекты, которые можно реализовать и протестировать на прототипирующей плате Xilinx; и тщательное изучение встроенного микроконтроллера Xilinx PicoBlaze.

This book uses the 'learn by doing' approach to take the reader through the concepts and principles of VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language) for FPGA 'firmware' (Field Programmable Gate Array) design. There are a host of different exercises and experiments so that the student can understand the processes involved through real-life examples. The book contains an assortment of ready-made generation templates which make it clear and simple to develop code quickly, as well as a wide range of practical cases, including some specifically focusing on Xilinx FPGAs. Read through different chapters and following their ideas you'll build up your own portfolio of FPGAs designs using the Learning Verilog HDL with the Xilinx ZedBoard. Building on the learning material, Xilinx offers PLD Design and Synthesis Cookbook: A Power User's Guide (the british kids study adapted) to assist you in integrating your designs into systems at speed. All together, we've got a range of superb case-studies, explained, to aid professionals in learning the principles behind FPGAs! So check out this book if you're interested in learning more about the technicalities behind digital logic – brilliant reading for practising FPGA enthusiasts.


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FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (Группа авторов).

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