Antar, a Bedoueen romance. Part 1. Vol. 1 (Группа авторов). 1820г.

"Антар, роман бедуинов. Часть 1. Том 1" - книга, переведенная с арабского на английский язык Терриком Хамильтоном. Книга рассказывает историю Антара, который был рожден свободным, но из-за того, что его мать была рабыней, он был принят в племя Абс. Антар влюбляется в дочь своего хозяина и пытается доказать свою любовь, преодолевая многочисленные трудности и испытания, такие как битвы и трудности в общении с другими племенами. Книга описывает жизнь бедуинов и их культуру, а также их обычаи и традиции.

Antar, A Bedouin Romance. Part I. Volume I is a collection of stories and poems that tell the story of Antar, a young Bedouin man who falls in love with a woman from a different culture.

The book is written in a poetic and lyrical style that captures the essence of the Middle Eastern culture. The author’s use of imagery and metaphors helps to create a vivid picture of the world that Antar lives in.

Each story is a separate piece that tells a different part of the Antar’s journey. One story follows him as he tries to find his place in the world and another explores his relationships with his family and friends.

Overall, Antar, A Bedouin Romance is an insightful and beautiful book that explores the complexities of love and identity in a multicultural world. It is a must-read for anyone interested in Middle Eastern literature and culture.

«Antar, the Romance of a Bedouin. Part One. Volume One» is a novel written by a group of authors. If you are not familiar with this book, here is a brief description of it:

Antar is a young Bedouin man who lives in the desert with his family. He is brave, strong, and loyal to his friends and family. One day, he meets a beautiful woman named Fatima, who is from a wealthy family. They fall in love and begin to spend time together.

However, Fatima’s family is opposed to their relationship because Antar is a Bedouin and not their social class. They try to break up the couple, but Antar refuses to give up on his love.

The story follows Antar and Fatima as they struggle against the obstacles put in their way by Fatima’s family and the society they live in. It is a beautiful and heart-wrenching tale of love, sacrifice, and determination.


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Antar, a Bedoueen romance. Part 1. Vol. 1 (Группа авторов). 1820г.

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Antar, a Bedoueen romance. Part 1. Vol. 1
  • Автор: Группа авторов
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Дата выхода: 1820г.
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Библиотечный фонд