A Companion to Greek Religion (Группа авторов).

"Сопровождающая греческую религию" - это значительное дополнение к серии "Companions to the Ancient World" от издательства Blackwell, которое охватывает все аспекты религии в древнем греческом мире, начиная с архаического периода, через классический период и до эллинистического периода. Книга, написанная международными экспертами, фокусируется на религиозной жизни, такой, какой ее испытывали греческие мужчины и женщины в разные времена и в разных местах. В ней представлены основные разделы о местных религиозных системах, священных пространствах и ритуалах, а также о божественности.

This major addition to Wirth's Companions series brings together scholarly essays on all aspects of Greek religion from the Archaic Age through to Hellenistic times. Written for the series by an outstanding range of international scholars, the volume forms a comprehensive and sophisticated guide to the subject for students and researchers alike, surveying topics from localised/regional forms of religion, to sacred spaces, worship practices and gods, in both the rural and urban contexts of Greece. Features a wide range of previous unpublished material and also presents, for the first time, a multi-layered archaic material from Cyprus showing how Cypriots tied their local gods to the panhellenic pantheon, illustrating their religious networks and practices, and evidence of long-distance contact with local and Mesopotamian materials. Obtaining greater insights into rituals while interpreting their timescape, it reconstructs practices of healing ritual for divine maladies and a society so diverse in warriors and kings was assisted by lesser and oft-forgotten deities. An invaluable compendium exploring the roles of women in ancient Greek religious practices, this work considers the contributions of female artists, priests, ritual specialists and scholars of divination. It evaluates the views of Classical thinkers from Strabo to Aristobulus further illustrating divine concerns of the time. The enormity of ancient Greece makes coming to terms with its religious history one of utmost importance because it affects our understanding of all facets of its culture. A must have reference tool for students of Greek and Hellenistic studies, Classical philology, the Ancient Mediterranean, women and religion.



A Companion to Greek Religion (Группа авторов).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: A Companion to Greek Religion
  • Автор: Группа авторов
  • Категория: Критика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9780470997345