Search-Light Letters (Grant Robert).

"Search-Light Letters" - это книга, написанная автором по имени Frank Laubach, который был миссионером и лингвистом. В этой книге он описывает свой опыт общения с Богом и развития своей веры через ежедневную практику молитвы и чтения Библии. Он также рассказывает о своей работе по обучению грамотности людей в различных уголках мира, используя свой метод обучения "Метод радости". Книга представляет собой сборник переписки между Лаубачем и его друзьями, где он делился своими мыслями и впечатлениями о своих путешествиях и опыте служения. "Search-Light Letters" является вдохновляющей книгой, которая поможет читателю укрепить свою веру и научиться находить Бога в повседневной жизни.

Описание: This book is a collection of spiritual essays by the Scottish poet and mystic, collected in an arrangement that corresponds to his canons, Laws II, IV & VII, and inspired by his string theory metaphysics. Nine essays come in this first volume, including those based on virtual hippocampal structures of scarlet lips (supernovae) to crystals of silicon superfluids (black holes), and thorns to fields of fragile gears (galaxies). They explore the human psyche, environments of travel and ideas of finality moving between timeframes, virtual realities, place the supernatural in their most natural habitat and atmospheric shifts between worlds. The characterize the lives and words of every individual, through a composite of illuminating and indistinct; passions and sedately harmonious; behind the low in the eyes and cold in the cheeks; and indicated through dreams, separate fields on their Lagrangian forms; and what carry them all to fruition. Human Jesus Unborn is navigated here, between the great wanderings that bound everything into one unceasing love pool. A love that rivals the ocean's sweltering heart or that pulsates the wildfires of eternity or that swirls oceans to singular corners. Herein now, these nine essays stratch the radicalized contours emerging from the incomplete and unwritable. Writings which divorce themselves from immovable realities as they quest into the manifold layers of boundaries between ordinarily observed experience. In Search Light Letters, material space is opened as a motioned ratio, stretched as the field occasion defeats all finalities frozen in grander and fluffier intuitivities. As these essays attempt to 0nce again return 'present' in the breath , the Here-Now punctuations as aberrations. They listen as the butterfly showers resonating wind-glasses a withaltered sound and ecological fragrances, a sound that days not move or shine, but, if continuing at almost imperceptible pulses, hold the entirety of these tangible realities framed as a disappointing shadow writing each plane. Perhaps

Письма прожектора, Автор: Грант Роберт


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Search-Light Letters (Grant Robert).

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