The Hound (Unabridged) (Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт).

Издательство: White Wizard Pub., 2015 Жанр: Ужасы, Фантастика, Мистика

The Hound is a classic horror novel by Howard Phillips Lovecraft, published in 1922. It follows the story of Doctor John Findley, an investigator hired by the mysterious Vincent Kiritsugu to help solve a case involving a missing maid and a strange dog.

As Findley investigates, he discovers that a sinister force has taken hold of the estate and is responsible for the strange occurrences. The mansion's masterful architecture and desolate landscape only add to the gloomy atmosphere, and the book explores themes of terror, madness, and supernatural evil.

Throughout the novel, Lovecraft's characters are seen to suffer from dark hallucinations and severe paranoia, as their minds battle against the specters and nightmares that haunt them. Despite its horror themes, The Hound remains a deeply unsettling and intelligent work of literature, leaving the reader with an everlasting sense of unease and dread.

Абрахам Фишер, по прозвищу «Черный Пес», охотится за неуловимым вором и убийцей Фостером Фреем. Некоторые следы приводят его к некоему древнему культу, кто-то шепчет, что именно убитый хранит ключ. Но на кону что-то ужасное, и если Анхем попадет в руки черных магов, тьма могил поглотит мир.


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The Hound (Unabridged) (Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт).

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