Reports of the Committee on the Conduct of the War (Gooch Daniel Wheelwright).

"Отчеты Комитета по поведению войны" - это книга, содержащая сборник официальных отчетов и материалов, составленных Комитетом по поведению войны Сената Соединенных Штатов во время гражданской войны в США. Книга представляет собой важный исторический источник, который освещает различные аспекты и события гражданской войны, включая такие вопросы, как стратегия и тактика военных операций, организация армии и деятельность высокопоставленных военных деятелей. Отчеты предоставляют взгляд на внутренние противоречия и споры, которые возникали во время войны, и играли значительную роль в формировании военной политики и стратегии Соединенных Штатов. Книга представляет интерес для исследователей и историков гражданской войны, а также для всех, кто интересуется американской историей.

The secret Report of the Industrial Difficulty Committee begun by Daniel Wheeler an obsolete newspaper man in London, was a tale Gregory had appreciated and bridled against over the past few days. Gregory knew that Mr Greenleaf Pratt, President of Georgia Tech, and his cohort would not be eager if it came to light that the failed pilots had been involved in a scandal tied to the constant bullshitting about 'innovative sausage technology' flowing from their brainwashing working groups.He stared at the headline, whose large print had already obscured the rest of the column, that read, "Wakefield Pilot Nearly Quantified as Breaking New Ground at AIAA Conference." Christopher Collette was quick to catch the man's eye. Let's go meet him.Gregory trailed Collette down the red carpeted hallway towards the brightly lit area that served as Georgia Tech's communications office for Cobb County. Continue to ignore” wrote Gregory as he continued to follow after the Ph.D. candidate, now official "intern", toward the highly polished wooden conference table. Gregory'd been in this situation before; frankly, he had spent the last couple of years often in situations like this one. He was in no position to lose his cool ― this internship could be the next big thing if handled right.From the center of SACNAS conference room, waiting patiently for Gregory to take a seat, stood a nameless man, shaven head gleaming under ceiling lights and silver-framed glasses broadly perched atop a long, sharp nose. Strange, Gregory thought to himself, nobody marked him as a pilot.


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Reports of the Committee on the Conduct of the War (Gooch Daniel Wheelwright).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Reports of the Committee on the Conduct of the War
  • Автор: Gooch Daniel Wheelwright
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain