Wüstenblues (Gerhard von Kapff).

Книга “Wüstenblues” (Пустынный блюз) автора Gerhard von Kapff - это роман о жизни и приключениях главного героя, который путешествует по пустыне Сахара. Книга рассказывает о его жизни, любви, дружбе и борьбе с трудностями, которые он встречает на своем пути.

Автор описывает пустыню Сахара как место, где жизнь течет медленно и размеренно, но в то же время полна тайн и загадок. Главный герой, по имени Алекс, отправляется в путешествие по пустыне, чтобы найти свою любовь и узнать больше о своей семье.

В книге много интересных персонажей, которые помогают Алексу в его путешествии. Он встречает различных людей, которые рассказывают ему свои истории и помогают ему найти свой путь.

Книга “Wüstenblues” - это не только роман о приключениях, но и о жизни в пустыне. Она показывает, как важно сохранять свою индивидуальность и не забывать о своих корнях.

Gerhard von Kapoorfs novel, Wüstenblues, takes readers to the remote steppe region of the Inner Asian Altai Mountains. As described in the introduction, the book's unconventional new character Peter Eberhofer is driving his car through this rarely visited part of eastern Siberia in search of an old VOC (the Dutch East India Company) fort in which, he has been told, he can find out more about Operation Starlight, a covert plan for the installation of mobile nuclear batteries around the globe.

The reader is introduced directly into Peter's confused thoughts, from which absurdist messages about migration to Africa, attempted connections with Saladin and frantic efforts to present a bravura gesture to impress an unknown female cousin emerge somewhat astrusely. The setting of this animated story, as it unfolds through chapters, also takes the reader to Mongolia, its corrupted dunes as well as Jerusalem and Hellas in literary Greece, then sojourns into highly improbable Western streets. It was reported to me that oppressed nomads and Soviet landscapes play a role in this narrative, but the sudden jump between Vancouver Island and the ancient city of Pompeii - where Paul Adams and his fellow thrill seekers try to immerse themselves in a Roman entertainment act - leaves too many bizarre brush strokes for comfort. Nevertheless, jako oder nieporozumienie (perplexity, confusion, or perplexity) dominates von Kapff's language and continues through page after bleak page - gone are any attempts to arrange his confusing characters into a coherent whole.

This soporific saga casts no magic spell, neither on the pages before your eyes nor, in my case, inside my brain, for I failed to find any talismanic core of meaning in Wüstenblues. Chewing slowly up its thick-bound volume and pausing occasionally to note a random excerpt the text seems to offer up some yin yang glimmers that may refer to themes of nostalgia and exile, removing the meek Eberhofer rumoured to be searching for his mystery cousin. Unfortunately, próza (literary prose) like this is normally found in samizdat pamphlets, avoiding academic pubs where the supposedly irritating novel might be ridiculed by critics, not in glamorous treatises. This pitifully tragicomedy does indeed cry out for a gun to its head, but fortunately for those wading through unknown volumes of Polish or Hungarian literature, it can probably always be disposed of asscribing this strange drifting tome to the backwaters of late 20th Century Orientalist studies.


#книги о путешествиях

Wüstenblues (Gerhard von Kapff).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Wüstenblues
  • Автор: Gerhard von Kapff
  • Категория: Книги о путешествиях
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 18+
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783667108265