Animal Farm (Unabridged) (George Orwell).

George Orwell's Animal Farm (full title Animal Farm: a View of the Future) is a famous novel about how animals can rebel against their human masters. Set in a farm on The Island, the novel portrays four animals – Squealer (Sopher, a fox,), Snowball (a pig), Napoleon (a brute pig, leader) and Benjy (a cow) – as they suffer under cruel human control.

The rebellion comes when Napoleon destroys the cage that the animals have been caged in and declares itself an anarchic state. This imposes a new name on the animals, "Freedom Farm". The concept of such a Farm is that in the future, mankind will find no difference between man and beast.

Written and first published in 1984, this novel is the classic dystopian novel and a cultural phenomenon. Some contemporary scholars view Animal Farm as a re-enactment of the Spanish Civil War, featuring Napoleon as Stalin in reference to events during WW II.


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Animal Farm (Unabridged) (George Orwell).

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