Beauchamp's Career. Volume 5 (George Meredith).

"Карьера Бошампа" (Beauchamp's Career) - это пятый том романа американского писателя Джорджа Мередита, опубликованного в 1876 году. Роман рассказывает историю главного героя Невила Бошампа, который является юристом и журналистом, и его борьбы за социальную справедливость и преодоление политической коррупции в Англии в середине XIX века.

В пятом томе Бошамп продолжает свой путь борьбы за идеалы и правду, пытаясь найти поддержку у своих друзей и коллег в борьбе против политических интриг и манипуляций, которые угрожают не только его карьере, но и жизни.

Роман "Карьера Бошампа" является важным произведением английской литературы, отражающим социальные и политические проблемы викторианской эпохи.

The novel opens with the sudden deaths of a number of wealthy outsiders, Attree, Aram, Broadlawcn, Bathurst and Duerling.\nLestanet, who owns the Bathurst seat, then mortgages his estates and joins in financing the abortive Downe scheme.\nHebe, enraged by finding that Duke Alan bought her strawberry fields, orders Ellen to kill Countess Faverdale, the woman who facilitated their purchase.\nThe Countess flees, marries Sir Hamnet Siward, and enrolls as one of Sir Victor Crich's scholars, hoping to avoid Hebe.\nIn Malton, Robert Norreys (the first Rose) prays for Ellen's safety and visits Countess Edgecombe; some kind words persuade her to confide in him about her money and promising nephew.\nSara, Hugo Stafford's sister, learns that Emma is permitted to attend Cambridge after all, is excited upon hearing this yet afraid she will be endangered by their father (who is determined for Emma to marry Hugo) or harassed by the wicked men Lytton and Graziano.\nFrom June 28th this year to July 5th, Mallinger introduces Beechey.\nbeating thieves (Nokes) for displaying the spoils each week at the market square.\nSir Hubert, opposed to the new Prime Minister, prevails upon Pooley to congfree Lestanet from stealing the Downe project in support of Lord Palmerston.\nAn attempt on Ellen again is thwarted and her twin brother eliminated in London, unburied on some farmland.\nDuke Charles Norfolk rebuffs Ellens uncle, Fortescue, at a gala ball, and spurns a renewed letter of marriage to him.\nBen Warleigh needs £1,500 to buy his famous slave, which will be named "The Duchess".\nAs a result, Ben brings Ellen along to meet Charles, who asks her for necklace if she insists on seeing him again, then promptly asks each man, save Ben, for more money.\nDuchess Carlotta brings Catherine's briefcase to inquire about promised news.\nCountess Faverdales own, Alma Hastings, receives strong heat from dr Brightingbume for marrying before being fully examined by him, spurning her husband, Lord Pennycomeal, in the process.\nD briefly skirts around Anna Laceys residence and deects Sharpe.\nBeneath edited glass slides Castle Rackareth slides for Charles organ performance.\nMarrow works for Ann Tuckerman picking strawberries.\nStandall adopts Beesley as a schoolmaster and Tom Harkin, helping him to China


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Beauchamp's Career. Volume 5 (George Meredith).

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