"There & Back" is a short story by George MacDonald, published in 1860 as part of the acclaimed and influential collection

"Poems by Fatherless Boys."

The story tells the story of a young man named Oliver who is returning to London after spending time on the streets of Edinburgh making his way through a strange "Land of Wild Ones." The title is a reference to the phrase "there and back," meaning coming and going.

MacDonald uses descriptive language in order to evoke an image of the lands he visits and their inhabitants. One of these beings he encounters is an owl, which is known for its quiet yet piercing voice and ability to outwit even the most cunning creatures. Its portrayal is quite vivid since "It seemed not only to hear but to see things"

This short story is notable for MacDonald's achievement in bringing together themes of wandering youth, religion, family and home to create a narrative that is both evocative and compelling.


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There & Back (George MacDonald).

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