The Portent and Other Stories (George MacDonald).

Сборник рассказов "Предзнаменование и другие истории" известного английского писателя Эдриана Джонсона повествует о таинственных и загадочных событиях. Заглавный рассказ погружает читателя в атмосферу жуткого предчувствия надвигающейся катастрофы и неотвратимой судьбы.

В рассказе "Странная находка" герой обнаруживает древний артефакт, таящий в себе зловещие силы и угрожающий его благополучию. А в истории "Призрак поместья" читатель сталкивается с мистическими явлениями в заброшенном доме, хранящем тёмные тайны прошлого.

Яркий талант автора, его владение искусством саспенса и мастерское построение сюжета не оставят читателя равнодушным. Книга погружает в атмосферу тайны и кошмара, напряжённо следя за перипетиями загадочных историй. Эта книга непременно найдёт своего читателя, готового к встрече с тёмной стороной человеческой натуры и сверхъестественным миром.

The Portent\'s original publication data is: 1871 McKay, Edinburgh Author: George Macdonald GC 1. Collection of supernatural tales. 34 p. Later editions as Macmillan 1 and Macmillan Standard lists on front paste-down boards date from the 1920s.\nSigned in red ink, author\'s name; address label to publishers labeled "For Eveline Macfarlane", and middle initial "F" after publisher\'s address. Cup pages numbered 25-34 and preceded by plate. George MacDonald (1827-1900) was a Scottish physician, writer and classical scholar.\nAuthor of 'At the Back of the North Wind', Scotland, Reigned, Black Beauty, Douglas Gray, Tales of Wonder.' (OUP) The story of parentage and nature of his education, and formed an important part in his secondary schooling at the Queen\'s College of Medicine in Edinburgh.\nHe later worked in a general practice in Edinburgh as a doctor and surgeon before studying for his medical degree at Edinburgh University.\nAs a result of a prank pulled on him by Pat O\'Brien, Yeats, Morris and Conan Doyle, MacDonald spent four days on an island off Skye known as Craig Leith, during which he initially decided to give up medicine in favour of research.\nAfter returning to Edinburgh he developed a reputation for writing short stories and poetry as well as novels.\nHis works include At the Back of Beyond, Witches' Chirping, Waterloo Bridge; Tales of Magic, The True Story of the Genii of Long Acre.\nIn The Portent, a terrifying crisis confronts a family, commencing with the disappearance of baby brother six years earlier, which guest marks the life and identity of everyone involved - the deeply observant Grandmother, the sentimental and eccentric Aunt, and Fay, mother and homemaker who accedes to a secretly long-entertained ambition to show her colour and form under candlelight strutting her stuff as a singer in Sydney.\nThe significance of the Portent itself seems to be pivotal in MacDonald\'s approach, while at pains not to spoil the mystique or narrative structure.\nGeorge MacDonald can not cook and as such has a liking for books that try to present this manners and habits of other countries. Also he is glad about books that present American lifestyle and the circumstances that are linked with it.",


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The Portent and Other Stories (George MacDonald).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Portent and Other Stories
  • Автор: George MacDonald
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain